Translation of the song お七 artist Wednesday Campanella



English translation



One day in the Tenna era it was going down to dusk


Edo, 1, Hongo, Enjouji2

火の見櫓に 鳴る擦半鐘

The firemen in the watchtower ringing the alarm loudly

惚れた腫れたは 時期早々

It's much too soon for her to be so madly in love

元和 寛永 正保 慶安

Genna era, Kan'ei era, Shoho era, Keian3 era

燃ゆる赤富士 町火消し

Mt. Fuji ablaze with the sun's rays, the local fire brigade

若気の至り 人世の徒然

Youthful indiscretion, bored with the world

寄せる思いは Take it 僧 僧

My gathering thoughts say, take it, that's right4


The gods of those who don't recollect their actions


Edo, Komagome, Kichijouji

爆ぜる街並み また米騒動

The cityscape bursts open--another rice riot

田植え稲刈り 時期早々

But it's much to soon to be planting or harvesting it

天和 貞享 元禄 宝永

Tenna era, Jokyo era, Genroku era, Hoei era


The lack of common sense of a sixteen-year-old

地震雷 乙女の暴走

Scarier than any natural disaster: the whims of a maiden,

恋のため息 あぁー Take it 僧 僧

The sighs of love, ahhh, take it, that's right

人情 人情 江戸前 江戸前

Human nature, Tokyo style

人情 人情 あぁー Take it 僧 僧

Human nature, ahhh, take it, that's right

水星から二番目の惑星 季節は冬

The second planet over from Mercury; the season is winter.

七不思議 七英雄 七竃 七変化

Seven wonders; seven heroes; Japanese rowan; Lantana


The gods of those who don't recollect their actions


Edo, Komagome, Kichijouji

爆ぜる街並み また米騒動

The cityscape bursts open--another rice riot

田植え稲刈り 時期早々

But it's much to soon to be planting or harvesting it

天和 貞享 元禄 宝永

Tenna era, Jokyo era, Genroku era, Hoei era


The lack of common sense of a sixteen-year-old

地震雷 乙女の暴走

Scarier than any natural disaster: the whims of a maiden,

恋のため息 Take it 僧 僧

The sighs of love, ahhh, take it, that's right

北斗七星 七転び八起き

The seven stars of the big dipper, fall down seven times, get up eight,

無くて七癖 七難八苦

Everyone has their eccentricities, a series of disasters,

七花八裂 第七艦隊

Being torn to pieces, The 7th Fleet of the Imperial Navy

七味 七夕 セブンスター

Seven flavors, Tanabata, Seven Stars Cigarettes

七転八倒 七つの大罪

Writhing in agony, the Seven Deadly Sins

七曲り シップスクラーク

A torturous path, SiPSClArK,

七福神 七大大陸

The Seven Lucky Gods, the seven continents,


Seventh heaven!5

人情 人情 江戸前 江戸前

Human nature, Tokyo style

人情 人情 あぁー Take it 僧 僧

Human nature, ahhh, take it, that's right

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