Translation of the song ジャンダルク (Jan Daruku) [Jeanne D’Arc] artist Wednesday Campanella


ジャンダルク (Jan Daruku) [Jeanne D’Arc]

English translation

Jeanne D'Arc


Everyone meeting at the Shinjuku bus terminal at 9:45am,

遠路はるばるお越しの皆様 誠にありがとうございます

Thank you very much for coming such a long way to be here today.

本日ツアーを案内しますは 有限会社ダルクでございます

Today's tour will be led by D'Arc Limited,

ガイド しますはわたくしJ・E・A・N・N・E ジャンヌ

And your guide will be myself, J-E-A-N-N-E, Jeanne

Hey ゆれる車内 走行中はシートベルト

Hey! The inside of the bus may shake, so, while it is in motion,

してないと大変危険ですから 着用をするように願います

Wear your seatbelt. If you don't, it's very dangerous, so please be sure to fasten it.

途中気分の悪くなった方は 我慢をしないで早めにコールミー

If anyone starts to feel ill during the ride, don't grin and bear it, quickly call me!

前の座席にはさんである 袋を持って最前列へGO

There are carsick bags between the front seats, I can go to the first row and get one

サービスエリアで15分 ここでトイレ休憩です

We'll have 15 minutes at the service area; this will be our restroom break.

集合時間の厳守ねがいます 点呼を取らずに発射します

Please make sure that you observe the departure time carefully, as we will leave without taking roll call.

くれぐれもバスを間違えないよう 私の持ってる手旗が目印

Even if night falls, in order to make sure you find the correct bus, I will be holding a flag as a sign

人を導くダルクの紋章 タイムリミット 皆集合

It's the D'Arc logo that will guide you back; everyone, gather at the time limit.

3 2 1

3, 2, 1

手旗をもったら皆 Say Ho

When I hold up the flag, everyone say Ho!

その手を上げたら皆 Say Yeah

When I raise my hand, everyone say Yeah!

用を足したら土産を買って 席につけ ツアー客

When you've finished up your business and bought your souvenirs, have a seat, tour guests.

快適な旅をお届け それが 人を導くバスガイド

I'm the bus guide who leads everyone, I hope you have a pleasant journey!

手旗をもったら皆 Say Ho

When I hold up the flag, everyone say Ho!

その手を上げたら皆 Say Yeah

When I raise my hand, everyone say Yeah!

Get on the BUS, Get on the BUS

Get on the bus, get on the bus


It's a day trip / military campaign tour bus1

Get on the BUS, Get on the BUS

Get on the bus, get on the bus

それじゃ オルレアン行き発車します

Now, we depart for Orléans!

異端審問逃れて亡命 姿くらましどんぶらこ

I was a refugee who escaped the Inquisition, disappeared and floated down the river2,

辿り着いたは極東島国 J・A・P・O・N ジャポン

I finally ended up in the Far East island country J-A-P-O-N, Japon3

生活のために始めたバイトは 適当に決めたバスガイト

I had to make a living, so I decided bus guide would be the most appropriate part-time job for me

それが 今じゃご指名No.1 人気 天井知らずの添乗員

And now, I've been named the number 1 employee, I'm a super popular tour guide

おじさんおばさん子供に好評 飛ばす はとバス ブラックサバス

I have a really good reputation with grandpas, grandmas, and kids too. They're all riding, Hato Bus, Black Sabbath4

どんなバスでもガイドする 日本の名所をガイダンス

I'll lead any kind of bus tour and give guidance on the famous landmarks of Japan

ここは人気の観光スポット ライジングゲート雷門

This is a popular sightseeing spot, the Rising5 Gate, Kaminarimon6

つぶあんこしあんオルレアン 包む バーニングドール人形焼 3 2 1

Tsubuan, koshian, Orléans7, Inside a burning doll, ningyou-yaki8 3, 2, 1

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