Translation of the song 千利休 artist Wednesday Campanella



English translation

Sen no Rikyu


A lucky upright tea stem in the cup!


Sheathe your katana and start listening to this story


The path of the upstart, the dawn of Gaia


Boring guys who don’t try the new tea

濃い目の抹茶で目を覚まし Take care

Should wake up with strong matcha, take care

OK 緑の茶畑 行けばわかると信じたこの道

OK, the green fields of the tea plantation--if you go there, you'll understand this path I believe in


From the very first cup its legend began,


The curtain rose on the history of a thousand varieties:

梅こんぶ茶 ほうじ茶 減肥茶 

Plum kombucha, houjicha, Weight loss tea,

ミネラル麦茶 ヒューマンネイチャー

Mineral barley tea, Human nature1

鉄観音 プーアル ジャスミン

Tieguanyin oolong, Pu-erh, jasmine

キーモン ジャワティー アッサム ダージリン

Keemun, Java tea, Assam, Darjeeling

へそで 茶 が wack インスタント グリーン ティー Pack

Tea boiled in your belly button is wack2, instant green tea pack

金の茶室にエビバディ招待 呼ばれて参上 利休 in the House

Everybody's invited to the Golden Tea Room, come when you're called, Rikyu's in the house!


I've got no time for boring guys who won't try the new tea


After I stir the tea bowl in a circle 3 times I'm going dancing tonight

大事な問いかけに 俺はお茶を濁したまま

So I can answer all the big questions, I stir the tea until it's muddy


And it helps me understand what will happen tomorrow


Sen no Rikyu


With a starving look


The hyenas swarm to the green tea money


For all they care, we could just drink plain hot water


Are they trying to usurp my achievements with this rehash?


Let me just say it outright: you guys are weak like a reused tea bag

かつて無茶をした俺 最近じゃスイーツと抹茶オレ

I used to be reckless3, but lately I'm all matcha and sweets

今、心静めて這い上がってきた 夢をつかむ時、そう 宇治金時

These days, I'm calm and composed, I've got my hands on a syrupy dream, that's right, Uji Kintoki4

ノンカロリー 後味スッキリ 無添加 国産 一級茶葉使用

Non-caloric, refreshing aftertaste, no additives, domestically produced, only high-grade tea leaves used

先祖代々 語り継いできた 伝統の作法 魔貫光殺法

It's traditional etiquette that's been passed down through the generations: Special Beam Cannon!5

マグカップ湯 の み ぶんぶっく ちゃ が ま

Mug, yunomi6, Bunbuku Chagama7

安土桃山ニュージェネレーション 俺がティーカルチャー風雲児

A new generation in the Azuchi-Momoyama period, I'm the tea culture soldier of fortune!


Want to take a little break at the mountain pass tea room?


In a narrow tea room, no one else can see you when you start dancing

大事な問いかけに 俺はお茶を濁したまま 

So I can answer all the big questions, I stir the tea until it's muddy,


Searching for tomorrow


New Product!!!

緑茶カテキン増量 5% ワイドショーでも話題を独占

The green tea (with 5% more antioxidants) that the talk shows just can't stop talking about!!!

トクホ認定 脂肪を分解 ネット販売 またヒット商品

Authorized as a designated health food! Breaks down fat! Available online! A big seller!!

番付 横綱決定 緑茶ブームで一世を風靡

Deemed the best of its kind in the ranking! The green tea boom conquering whole generations!

株式会社一部に上場 天下取る 利休ビバレッジ

One section of a corporation gone public, competing throughout the world, Rikyu Beverage

サイドビジネス 税金対策 子供たちの笑顔取り戻す

Side business, tax reduction strategy, putting smiles back on all the kids' faces

東京 茶摘みーランド 千葉県浦安あたりに建設

Tokyo Tea Harvest Land, opening soon near Urayasu in Chiba Prefecture8

夢と魔法と茶道の王国 オレが目指す 地上の楽園

The kingdom of dreams and magic and tea ceremony, the earthly paradise I'm aiming for

動物園 後楽園 失楽園 伊藤園 永谷園

A zoo, Korakuen, Paradise Lost, Itoen, Nagatanien9

新茶摘まないつまらないやつに 用は無い

I've got no time for boring guys who won't try the new tea

二番煎じの出がらし共にも 用は無い

Or for rehashed already-used tea bags


Sen no Rikyu

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