Translation of the song Kirana artist Dewa 19



English translation

Kirana (a woman name -or- God)

Kucoba memahami tempatku berlabuh

I tried to understand where I was anchored

Terdampar di keruhnya satu sisi dunia

Stranded in the murky one side of the world

Hadir di muka bumi tak tersaji indah

Existing on on earth is not presented beautifully

Kuingin rasakan cinta

I want to feel love

Lusuh lalu tercipta mendekap diriku

From the shabby one then the creation has embraced me since

Hanya usung sahaja kudamba kirana

Only in appreciation I yearned for Kirana

Ratapan mulai usang, nur yang kumohon

The wailing is getting worn out, the light I beg to you

Ku ingin rasakan cinta

I want to feel love

Tulus seperti mereka

Sincere like them

Ayah bunda tercinta satu yang tersisa

From father and beloved mother with one remaining

Mengapa kau tiupkan nafasku ke dunia

Why are you blowing my breath into the world

Hidup tak kusesali mungkin kutangisi

Life I have no regrets but maybe I cried for it

Ku ingin rasakan cinta

I want to feel love

Peluhkupun mengering menanti jawabmu

My sweat dries up waiting for your answer

Takkan pernah usai cintaku padamu

My love for you will never end

Hanya kata yang lugas yang kini tercipta

Only straightforward words are now being created

Kuingin rasakan cinta

I want to feel love

Semakin jauh ku melangkah

The farther I go

Semakin perih jejak langkahku

The more my footsteps hurt

Hari ku pun semakin sombong

My day is getting arrogant

Meski hidup terus berjalan, terus berjalan

Even though life goes on, it goes on

Kirana jamah aku, jamahlah rinduku

Kirana touch me, please touch my longing

Hanya wangi terurai yang dapat ku cumbu

Only decomposed fragrance that I can kiss

Ayah Bunda tercinta satu yang tersisa

From father and beloved mother with one remaining

Mengapa kau tiupkan nafasku kedunia

Why are you blowing my breath into the world

Hidup tak kusesali mungkin kutangisi

Life I have no regrets but maybe I cried for it

Kuingin rasakan cinta

I want to feel love

Manis seperti mereka

Sweet like them

Tulus seperti adanya

Sincere as it is

Suci seperti dirimu

Holy as you are

Ingin rasakan cintamu

I want to feel your love

Kirana jamah aku jamahlah rinduku

Kirana touch me, touch my longing

Takkan pernah usai cintaku padamu

My love for you will never end

Hanya kata yang lugas yang kini tersisa

Only the straightforward words remained

Kuingin rasakan cinta...

I want to feel love ...

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