Translation of the song همهی اون روزا artist Reza Sadeghi
همهی اون روزا
All those days
همه ی اون روزایی که بی تو گذشت، کنار تو بودمُ
All those days that passed without you, I was still with you (by your side) and
غصه ی رفتن تو یه روزی گرفت، تمام وجودمُ
the sorrow after you left me filled all of me and
نمی دونم کجایی چه تلخه که من، یه خاطره بودم و بس
I don't know where you are, it feels so bitter that I was nothing but a memory
نمی تونم از عشق تو دل بکنم، تو این همه خاطره
I cannot stop loving you, with all these memories,
نمی دونم به چشم کی زل بزنم نگاتو یادم بره
I don't know whos eyes to stare at, to forget your eyes,
هنوزم عشق و خاطره هات تو دل کسی که دوست داره هست
Your love and all those memories still remain in the heart of a he who loves you
همه گوشمُ پر می کنن که دیگه گریه واسه تو بسه
Everybody keeps telling me to stop crying for you,
دستایی که جدا بودن این همه سال محاله به هم برسه
Those hands which have been separated all these years, can't possibly find back to each other.
اونی که همه چیزتو دادی براش واسه یکی دیگه دلواپسه
The one that you sacrificed everything for, cares/is worried for someone else
همه می دونن عمریه رفتی و من همونجوری دوست دارمت
Everyone knows that you've been gone for a while yet I still love you as before
نمیای و می میریم و من کاش خبرش برسه یه روزی بهت
You won't come back and I'll die and I wish that you hear about my death one day,
دل دیوونه راضی نمیشه تورو به یکی دیگه بسپارمت
My heart is crazy about you and isn't happy that I let someone else have you
می دونی دل بریدن از این همه عشق درست مث مرگمه
Do you know that to stop loving you means the death of me
خیابونای خلوتُ پرسه زدن بدون تو حقمه
Wandering around the empty streets without you is what I deserve
رفتی و هرچی بین من و تو گذشت رسیده به گوش همه
You left and now everyone knows our history
نمی تونم بدیتُ به روت بیارم غرورتو بشکنم
I won't say how badly you treated me and shatter your pride,
دلم می خواد صداتو یه بار دیگه با دلهره بشنوم
I wish to hear your voice one more time, anxiously
با تو تموم پاییزو زیر یه چتر دوباره قدم بزنم
To walk with you under the same umbrella during autumn.
همه گوشمو پر میکنن که دیگه گریه واسه تو بسه
Everybody keeps telling me to stop crying for you,
دستایی که جدا بودن این همه سال محاله به هم برسه
Those hands which have been separated all these years, can't possibly find back to each other.
اونی که همه چیزتو دادی براش واسه یکی دیگه دلواپسه
The one that you sacrificed everything for, cares/is worried for someone else
همه می دونن عمریه رفتی و من همونجوری دوست دارمت
Everyone knows that you've been gone for a while yet I still love you as before
نمیای و می میریم و من کاش خبرش برسه یه روزی بهت
You won't come back and I'll die and I wish that you hear about my death one day,
دل دیوونه راضی نمیشه تورو به یکی دیگه بسپارمت
My heart is crazy about you and isn't happy that I let someone else have you