Translation of the song 努努〜ゆめゆめ〜 artist One OK Rock
Your life is automatic, believe in a little magic
Your life is automatic, believe in a little magic
Your future may be tragic for a toxic animatic
Your future may be tragic for a toxic animatic
Don’t stay in a lonely place, hey, you!
Don’t stay in a lonely place, hey, you!
Don’t you understand? 今の自分 さぁ Wonderland
Don’t you understand? The you right now is wonderland
My life つまらない それが表情に
This boring life of mine is a facial expression
Don’t forget 向上心常に
Don’t forget ambitions constantly
Even though lending a hand is meaningless, encouragement is a wanderer with an overly strong tragedy
やりたいこと日々冒険 keep it going!
Risk doing what you want everyday, keep it going!
ついて来い 世界に行こうぜ
Follow me, let’s go into the world
夢は見るモンじゃなく so かなえるモンでしょ?
Dreams aren’t something you can see, so they must be answered wishes, right?
If it’s a dream that hasn’t come true, don’t call it a dream!
If people still say “dreams are dreams”
まずは俺らが先人切って 笑い飛ばしてやる!飛ばしてやる!
First we’ll cut off their ancestors, then we’ll laugh it up! Laugh it up!
123456 hurry up!
123456 hurry up!
焦らせないで ペース崩したくないから
Slow down, I don’t want to destroy the pace
Some day 輝くために太陽の光を浴びていくから
In order to some day shimmer, the sun’s light will keep on shining so
Hold on, man! I’ll grow up
Hold on, man! I’ll grow up
What can you do? I don’t know
What can you do? I don’t know
内面を新たに my men と羽ばたきだす
Begin to flap your wings with my men on the inside
Compass が指す方へ go for a sail!
Go for a sail where the compass points!
There’s no point in hurrying if right now is impossible
だけど凄いパワー持ってんだ だから出してこう!出してこう!
But we’ve got awesome power, so take it and go! Take it and go!
You don’t have the courage to walk with that invisible fear, do you?
ならば俺らが光となって so 照らしてやる!照らしてやる!
If that’s the case, we’ll turn into light so go ahead and shine! Go ahead and shine!
Please don’t say expressions like “This is all I am”
まだだ!まだだ!やってみなきゃ 分からんぜ!分からんぜ!
Not yet! Not yet! We have no idea what we have to try and do! No idea!
Previous guarantees aren’t anywhere in this world
So that wish of yours definitely can’t be huge!
現実味ないとか 時間のムダとか もし誰かに言われたなら
If you were told by someone that “there is no reality” or “time is useless”
くやしさ押し殺し 明日のバネして
Crush that bitterness to death and spring into tomorrow
Kick that dream out!
夢は逃げないよ 勘違いしてるんじゃない?
It’s just a misunderstanding that your dream’s run away, isn’t it?
そうさ逃げるのは自分自身 ねぇそうだろ?みんなどうなの?
What’s really fleeing is your self-confidence, am I right? What do you guys think?
辛いにプラス一して so 幸せつかみ取れ
Add a stroke to “pain” so to get “happiness”
Now! Now! Get moving! Let’s do it! Let’s do it!
夢は見るモンじゃなく so かなえるモンでしょ?
Dreams aren’t something you can see, so they must be answered wishes, right?
If it’s a dream that hasn’t come true, don’t call it a dream!
If people still say “dreams are dreams”
まずは俺らが先人切って 笑い飛ばしてやる!飛ばしてやる!
First we’ll cut off their ancestors, then we’ll laugh it up! Laugh it up!