Translation of the song Zu viel Information artist Annett Louisan
Zu viel Information
Too Much Information
Ihr Dekolleté,
Her neckline,
Zu viel Information
Too much information
Seine OP,
His OP,
Zu viel Information
Too much information
Dein großer Zeh,
Your big toe,
Zu viel Information,
Too much information
Für mich zu viel Information
For me, it's too much information
Eigelb im Bad,
Egg yolk in the bath,
Zu viel Information
Too much information
Leben is' hart,
Life is hard,
Zu viel Information
Too much information
Dein guter Rat,
Your good advice,
Zu viel Information,
Too much information,
Das ist zu viel Information
That is too much information
Woll'n wir das wissen müssen? (oh oh oh oh)
Do we want to know that? (oh oh oh oh)
Woll'n wir das wissen müssen?
Do we want to know that?
Nein, woll'n wir nicht
No, we don't want to
Woll'n wir das wissen müssen? (oh oh oh oh)
Do we want to know that? (oh oh oh oh)
Woll'n wir das wissen müssen?
Do we want to know that?
Nein, woll'n wir nicht
No, we don't want to
Opa hat'n Haus,
Grandpa has a house,
Zu viel Information
Too much information
Du atmest aus,
You're exhaling,
Zu viel Infomation
Too much information
Was hängt da raus,
What is hanging out there,
Zu viel Infomation,
Too much information
Für mich zu viel Information
For me, it's too much information
Du und dein Ex,
You and your ex,
Zu viel Information
Too much information
Nachbar hat Sex,
Neighbour's having sex,
Zu viel Information
Too much information
Blick in das Kleenex,
Look in the vacuum,
Zu viel Information,
Too much information
Das ist zu viel Information
That is too much information
Woll'n wir das wissen müssen? (oh oh oh oh)
Do we want to know that? (oh oh oh oh)
Woll'n wir das wissen müssen?
Do we want to know that?
Nein, woll'n wir nicht
No, we don't want to
Woll'n wir das wissen müssen? (oh oh oh oh)
Do we want to know that? (oh oh oh oh)
Woll'n wir das wissen müssen?
Do we want to know that?
Nein, woll'n wir nicht
No, we don't want to
Unser Schlaf hängt am Tropf,
Our sleep is hanging on the drip,
Von den Bildern im Kopf
Of the pictures in our heads
Pärchen im Park,
A pair in the park,
Zu viel Information
Too much information
Marriage proposal,
Zu viel Information
Too much information
Opa im Sarg,
Grandpa's in the coffin,
Zu viel Information,
Too much information
Für mich zu viel Information
For me, it's too much information
Du trägst ihn links,
You carry it on your left,
Zu viel Information
Too much information
Viagra bringt's,
Viagra brings it,
Zu viel Information
Too much information
Ganz plötzlich stinkt's,
It suddenly stinks,
Zu viel Information,
Too much information
Das ist zu viel Information
That is too much information
Woll'n wir das wissen müssen? (oh oh oh oh)
Do we want to know that? (oh oh oh oh)
Woll'n wir das wissen müssen?
Do we want to know that?
Nein, woll'n wir nicht
No, we don't want to
Woll'n wir das wissen müssen? (oh oh oh oh)
Do we want to know that? (oh oh oh oh)
Woll'n wir das wissen müssen?
Do we want to know that?
Nein, woll'n wir nicht
No, we don't want to
Unser Schlaf hängt am Tropf,
Our sleep is hanging on the drip
Von den Bildern im Kopf
Of the pictures in our heads
Woll'n wir das wissen müssen? (oh oh oh oh)
Do we want to know that? (oh oh oh oh)
Woll'n wir das wissen müssen?
Do we want to know that?
Nein, woll'n wir nicht
No, we don't want to
Woll'n wir das wissen müssen? (oh oh oh oh)
Do we want to know that? (oh oh oh oh)
Woll'n wir das wissen müssen?
Do we want to know that?
Nein, woll'n wir nicht
No, we don't want to