Translation of the song Sueño artist Beret
I'm Dreaming
Se dónde no volvería
I know better where I would not return,
Mucho más que a dónde ir
than where I would go to
Siendo infiel a mis principios
As I am loyal to my principles,
Ya no quiero darte fin
I don't want to let you go anymore
Y a ti que siempre te sobra
And you, who have always had more than you needed,
No te gusta compartir
you don't like to share
Y a me que siempre me falta
And I, who have always been in need,
Te lo he dado todo a ti
have given everything to you
He cambiado al encontrarme
I exchanged finding myself
Por no darte por perdida
for not losing you
Y cambié todos mis pasos
And I exchanged all my steps
Para ver cómo caminas
for seeing how you walk
La verdad siempre hace daño
The truth always hurts
Pero más lo que imaginas
but what you imagine hurts more
Hice más cosas por ti
I did more things for you
Que las que hice por mi vida
than for myself my whole life
Vente conmigo, vente conmigo
Come with me, come with me
Se mi camino, yo tu destino que
I know my path, your destiny, and
Si no te quedas, no resolveremos
If you don't stay, we won't figure out the difference between
El quiero y no puedo ganar y perder
the I want to and I can't, win and lose
Vuelo y sueño,
I'm flying and dreaming,
Con mis manos te hice un reino
with my hands I built you a kingdom
Donde sueño y vuelvo
where I dream and return to
A pesar de todo el peso
in spite of all the weight
Yo te espero
I wait for you
Pero no hace falta
but there's no need for
Que haya malos o haya buenos
the good guys and the bad ones to exist
En la historia que queremos
in the story we want
Wooh oh wooh oh
No se lo que harías sin mi,
I don't know what I would do without myself,
Vida mia
oh my love,
Si algún día me apago
if I lose all my power one day
Tampoco sabría que haría sin ti
I don't know what I would do without you too,
Desde que eres mi faro
since you are my lighthouse
No logro saber lo que soy
I still haven't figured out what I am,
Pero para ti siempre fui el malo
but for you I was always the 'bad one'
La suerte no viene en mis dados
Happiness doesn't appear in my dices
Dame otro error y nos vamos
give me another error y let's go
Vente conmigo, vente conmigo
Come with me, come with me
Se mi camino, yo tu destino que
I know my path, your destiny, and
Si no te quedas, no resolveremos
If you don't stay, we won't figure out the difference between
El quiero y no puedo ganar y perder
the I want to and I can't, win and lose
Vuelo y sueño,
I'm flying and dreaming,
Con mis manos te hice un reino
with my hands I built you a kingdom
Donde sueño y vuelvo
where I dream and return to
A pesar de todo el peso
in spite of all the weight
Yo te espero
I wait for you
Pero no hace falta
but there's no need for
Que haya malos o haya buenos
the good guys and the bad ones to exist
En la historia que queremos
in the story we want
Vuelo y sueño,
I'm flying and dreaming,
Con mis manos te hice un reino
with my hands I built you a kingdom
Donde sueño y vuelvo
where I dream and return to
A pesar de todo el peso
in spite of all the weight
Yo te espero
I wait for you
Pero no hace falta
but there's no need for
Que haya malos o haya buenos
the good guys and the bad ones to exist
En la historia que queremos
in the story we want
Wohh oh wohh oh x2