Translation of the song جنون artist Saman Jalili



English translation


مث تو جایی ندیدم

I haven't seen anyone like you anywhere

چقد تنهایی کشیدم

how lonely I've been

من آخر قصه رو می‌دیدم

I could see the end of the story

تا حالا شده یک بارم

has it ever happened even once,

تو بهم بگی دوست دارم

that you tell me you love me?

من جز تنهایی چی دارم

what do I have but loneliness?

اگه بد بودم واست

if I've been bad to you

هر کی میاد نمی‌تونه (نمی‌تونه)

whoever comes, can't (can't) (stand you)

اگه قلبم زود جا زد

if my heart gave up easily

دیگه میرم خیالت راحت

I am leaving now don't worry

چشات خیره به ساعت شد

your eyes stare at the clock

دیگه وقت رفتن شد

it's time to go

حیف عشقی که با تو حرومم شد

how pity! my love is wasted with you


it's insanity

عشق تو عین جنونه

your love is total insanity

هر کی میاد نمیمونه

whoever comes, won't stay

هر کی میاد نمی‌تونه (نمی‌تونه)

whoever comes, can't (can't) (stand you)

من اینم

this is me

زندگی کردم با تو

I've lived with you

هر کی که خواست بشه جا تو

whoever wants to be you (to me)

کو برسه بشه تا تو

she will take too long to be you

از چشمات افتادم

I fell from your eyes (you don't care about me anymore)

از وقتی دل دادم

ever since I've given you my heart

حق دارم بهت وابسته شم

I have every right to get addicted to you

می‌دونی بری چی می‌کشم

you know what happens to me if you leave me


it's insanity

عشق تو عین جنونه

your love is total insanity

هر کی میاد نمی‌مونه

whoever comes, won't stay

هر کی میاد نمی‌تونه (نمی‌تونه)

whoever comes, can't (can't) (stand you)

من اینم

this is me

زندگی کردم با تو

I've lived with you

هر کی که خواست بشه جا تو

whoever wants to be you (to me)

کو برسه بشه تا تو (بشه تا تو)

she will take too long to be you (to be you)

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