Translation of the song Tot am zis mă duc, mă duc artist Simion Pop


Tot am zis mă duc, mă duc

English translation

I Kept Saying I Leave, I Leave

Tot am zis mă duc, mă duc, măi dorule,

I kept saying ”I leave, I leave”, my longing,

Mândruța nu m-o crezut, măi dorule,

My sweetheart didn't believe me, my longing,

Dar acum mă poate crede, dorule,

But she can believe me now, longing,

Se uită și nu mă vede, dorule.

'Cause she's looking and doesn't see me, longing.

Eu m-am dus, dar oi veni, măi dorule,

I left, but I'll be back, my longing,

Să văd cine m-a dori, măi dorule.

For seeing who will want me, my longing.

Eu m-am dus, dar m-oi întoarce, dorule,

I left, but I will return, longing,

Să văd dor la cine-oi face, dorule.

For seeing who will miss me, longing.

Frunzuliță de dudău, măi dorule,

Little leaf of chicory, my longing,

Pe unde tot umblu eu, măi dorule,

Where I keep wandering, my longing,

Nu e deal, nu e pârău, măi dorule,

It's neither a hill nor a stream, my longing,

Numai, mândră, dor de-al tău, măi dorule.

It's just an yearning for my sweetheart, my longing.

Nu e deal, nu e vâlcea, măi dorule,

It's neither a hill nor a valley, my longing,

Numai dor de la mândra, măi dorule.

It's just an yearning from my sweetheart, my longing.

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