Translation of the song ECOU artist Bvcovia
Si mi-am promis ca o sa plec si ca n-o sa ma mai intorc
And I promised myself that I would leave and that I would not return
Dar nu ma tin de promisiuni si deja imi este dor
But I don't keep my promises and I already miss it
Fiecare pas facut imi readuce un ecou
Every step I take brings back an echo
Cu vocea ta vorbind de bine cand de fapt e atat de rau
With your voice speaking well when in fact it's so bad
Ar fi putut sa fie altfel si cumva s-o dau la schimb
It could have been different and somehow give it up
Nu te-as minti daca ti-as spune imi pare rau dar te-am ranit
I wouldn't lie to you if I told you I'm sorry, but I hurt you
Erai atat de frumoasa insa m-am pierdut subit
You were so beautiful but I suddenly got lost
Intr-o aura in care ca-n toate m-au parasit
In an aura in which, as in everything, they left me
Inca ma mint, dar inima si vocea imi spuneau du-te
I'm still lying, but my heart and voice were telling me to go
Pot sa fug oriunde insa nu ma pot ascunde
I can run anywhere but I can't hide
De unde oriunde noaptea adorm cu niste alcool si un bar de xan
From wherever I sleep at night with some alcohol and a bar of xan
Sper inca poate toate uit si cumva o sa adorm iar
I hope maybe I forget everything and somehow I'll fall asleep again
Si orice as face nu ma pot opri din scris
And whatever I do, I can't stop writing
Ti-am spus sa ma intеlegi ca sunt nebun, sunt un artist
I told you to understand that I'm crazy, I'm an artist
Discut zambind cu oameni noaptеa si sunt trist
I talk to people smiling at night and I'm sad
Oare cine ma iubeste daca nu prind niciun fix, e trist
Who loves me if I don't catch a fix, is sad
Si cine ar fi crezut vreodata, ca intalnirea dintre noi o sa ne schimbe viata toata
And who would have ever thought that the meeting between us will change our whole life
Unii si-au luat viata toata, is amarat dar nu o fac
Some have taken their whole lives, it's bitter but they don't
Desi am zile in care i-as pune capat odata
Although I have days when I would put an end to it once
As fi nebun sa pot sa ascund ceea ce simt
I would be crazy to be able to hide what I feel
Si cred ca as fi mai nebun daca ar fi din nou sa fim
And I think I'd be crazier if we were again
Am atatea numere in agenda totusi e atat de tarziu
I have so many numbers on my agenda, it's still too late
Probabil te futi cu altu', eu ca prostu' vreau sa-ti scriu
Perhaps fuck with altu 'I like fool I write to you
Ia-mi norul asta cenusiu, du-l departe, lasa o raza
Take this gray cloud, take it away, leave a ray
Recunosc ca am fost prost, insa tu ai fost mai proasta
I admit I was stupid, but you were worse
As da orice ca sa te pot uita odata
I would give anything so I could forget you once
Dar te port la mine in minte si pe viata esti memorata, sa stii
But I carry you in my mind and you are remembered for life, you know
Vei fi acolo cand banii vor fi gramada
You will be there when the money is full
Vei fi acolo cand v-a trebui sa adorm
You will be there when I have to fall asleep
Vei turna pamant pe mine o sa lasi si doua lacrimi
You will pour earth on me and you will leave two tears
Sau nu vei fi acolo nici in ziua in care mor, ia zi
Or you won't be there the day I die
Te vei intoarce sa vorbesti
You will return to speak
Imi vei spune eu te urasc in loc sa-mi spui cat ma iubesti
You will tell me I hate you instead of telling me how much you love me
O sa te uiti in ochii mei fara sa vrei sa te feresti
You will look into my eyes without wanting to avoid it
Poate o sa-ti amintesti de noi, de noi, de noi
Maybe you will remember us, us, us
Poate o sa-ti amintesti de noi
Maybe you'll remember us
Cum sa fiu linistit in somn cand langa ce ma raneste eu dorm atat de adanc
How to be calm in my sleep when next to what hurts me I sleep so deeply
Cum sa nu doara cand ti-o spun, de puteam sa intorc timpul n-aveam acum ce sa cant
How can it not hurt when I tell you, if I could go back in time I now had nothing to sing
Uite bine ca am, uite bine ca ai fost langa mine cand n-aveam timp, n-aveam bani, n-aveam griji, acum am
Look, I have, look, you were by my side when I didn't have time, I didn't have money, I didn't worry, now I have
Tot in afara de tine pe tava
Also apart from you on the tray
Si de te-ai intoarce as spune tot pleaca
And if you came back I would say go away
Nu dau muzica in viata mea pe o fata
I don't give music to a girl in my life
Am ramas singur, acum sunt sigur
I was left alone, now I'm sure
N-o sa te scoata vinul din sange
The wine won't get you out of your blood
Fumul din piept ca tine nu ma strange
Chest smoke like you doesn't bother me
Uuuu, am ramas singur nu ma mai alina mainile tale ca lean-ul
Uuuu, I'm left alone, your hands don't soothe me like lean
Uuuu, am ramas singur, n-o sa mai auzi, imi pare rau dar esti de vina
Uuuu, I'm left alone, you won't hear anymore, I'm sorry but it's your fault
Uuuu, trebuie sa platim pentru greseli
Uuuu, we have to pay for mistakes
Cu tine ma doare, fara tine e prea lejer
It hurts with you, without you it's too easy
Lately stau si ma intreb
Lately I sit and wonder
Oare am gresit cand te-am lasat sa pleci cu el
Did I make a mistake when I let you go with him?
Daca am gresit cand te-am lasat sa pleci cu el
If I was wrong when I let you go with him
Oare am gresit cand te-am lasat sa pleci cu el
Did I make a mistake when I let you go with him?