Translation of the song Atatürk artist Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı



English translation


Atatürküm eğilmiş vatan haritasına

Atatürk has leaned onto the map of Fatherland

Görmedim tunç yüzünde böylesine geceler

I haven't seen such nights on his face before

Atatürk neylesin memleketin yarasına

What could Atatürk do to cure the Fatherland

Uçup gitmiş elinden eski makbul çareler

It flew away, those old remedies flew away!

Nerde istiklâl harbinin o mutlu günleri

Where are the merry days of the War of Independence

Türlü düşmana karşı kazanılan zaferi

Triumph we got against numerous foes

Hiç sanmam öyle ağarsın bir daha tan yeri

Don't think that dawn will break as it did that day

Atatürküm ben ölecek adam değildim der.

My Atatürk has said that he was not the man to die

Git hemşehrim git kardeşim toprağına yüz sür

Go, brother, citizen go rub the soil on your face

Odur karşı kıyadan cümlemizi düşünür

He is the one who will worry about us

Resimlerinde bile melül mahzun düşünür

Even in his pictures, he is the one who always thinks

Atatürküm kabrinde rahat uyumak ister.

My Atatürk is the one who wants to rest in peace!

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