Translation of the song Ögon Rinner Ner artist Kapten Röd
Ögon Rinner Ner
Eyes Running Down
ooo Mina ögon rinner ner
oooh My eyes are running down1
(Ögonen rinner, Ögonen rinner ner)
(The eyes are running, the eyes are running down)
(Ögonen rinner, Ögonen rinner ner)
(The eyes are running, the eyes are running down)
Mina ögon rinner ner
My eyes are running down
(Ögonen rinner, Ögonen rinner ner)
(The eyes are running, the eyes are running down)
(Ögonen rinner, Ögonen rinner ner)
(The eyes are running, the eyes are running down)
ooo Mina Ögon
oooh My eyes
Vila i frid mina vänner som förlorat sig i flaskan
Rest in peace to my friends who have lost themselves in the bottle
Ni som gått under påminner mig om o va tacksam
You who have succumbed remind me to be grateful
1 käka nåt piller trodde han kunde flaxa
One took some pills, thought that he could fly
Det e därför jag går sönder för jag vet han just skulle bli farsa
And that's why I am breaking since I know that he was about to become a father
Så vi drömmer om att köpa lite land och bygga ett casa
So we are dreaming about buying some land and building a casa2
Glömma bort alla sorger glömma bort smaken av asfalt
Forget every sorrow, forget the taste of the pavement
Men varje gång vi ska fira tänker vi på er som fattas
But every time we are about to celebrate we think about you who are missing.
ooo Mina ögon rinner ner
oooh My eyes are running down
(Ögonen rinner, Ögonen rinner ner)
(The eyes are running, the eyes are running down)
(Ögonen rinner, Ögonen rinner ner)
(The eyes are running, the eyes are running down)
Mina ögon rinner ner
My eyes are running down
(Ögonen rinner, Ögonen rinner ner)
(The eyes are running, the eyes are running down)
(Ögonen rinner, Ögonen rinner ner)
(The eyes are running, the eyes are running down)
ooo Mina Ögon
oooh My eyes
Jag sitter med min vän alla andra kallar för dåren
I'm sitting next to my friend who everyone calls a fool
Han har just blivit fri nu har han sitt liv i en påse
He has just been set free and now he has his life in a plastic bag
Han säger solen e starkast bakom dom mörkaste molnen
He says the sun shines the strongest behind the darkest clouds
O han e glad för min skulle han har alltid vart en supporter
And he is happy for my sake, he has always been a supporter
Så denna e för pojken i skolkorridoren
So this is for the boy in the school halls
Som inte vill gå hem för där sitter pappa med nålen
Who does want to go home because dad is sitting there with the needle
Säger godnatt till ett foto på väggen innan han sover
Says goodnight to a picture on the wall before he falls asleep
För mamma bor bakom en dörr någon annan låser
Because his mother lives behind a door that someone else locks
Men tiden går och det flyttar in nya på gården
But time goes by and new people move in to the apartment community3
Staden höjer hyran för att sopa bort spåren
The city is raising the rent to remove any traces
Så det e därför jag sjunger vi får aldrig glömma ånej
So that is why I am singing, we can never forget, oh no
ooo Mina ögon rinner ner
oooh My eyes are running down
(Ögonen rinner, Ögonen rinner ner)
(The eyes are running, the eyes are running down)
(Ögonen rinner, Ögonen rinner ner)
(The eyes are running, the eyes are running down)
Mina ögon rinner ner
My eyes are running down
(Ögonen rinner, Ögonen rinner ner)
(The eyes are running, the eyes are running down)
(Ögonen rinner, Ögonen rinner ner)
(The eyes are running, the eyes are running down)
ooo Mina Ögon
oooh My eyes