Translation of the song Deät Lun artist Baldrs Draumar
Deät Lun
Helgoland / Heligoland
Grien is dyn lân,
Green is your land,
Read is dyn râne,
Red are your edges (cliffs),
Wyt is dyn sân,
White is your sand,
De kleuren fan ús Hilgelân.
The colors of our Helgoland (a traditionally Frisian North Sea island, now part of modern Germany).
Troch see omklamme, grien en stien
Embraced by sea, green, and stone
In fêste rots foar eltsenien
A strongly rooted rock for all.
Forsites troan, bring ús hannel en rjocht
Forsite's (Frisian version of the God Forseti) throne,
Hillich lân op dy bin wy Friezen sljocht
Bring us trade and law.
Deät Lun
Holy land, we Frisians are crazy about you.
Goaden en keningen, hearsker en tsjinners
Gods and kings, lords and servants,
Sy klonken op Hilgelân, hoarnen fol mea
They toasted to Helgoland, horns full of mead.
Weda, hy brocht dêr de tolve asegas
Weda (Frisian name for the God Odin), he brought the twelve law-speakers there.*
Sy doarmen yn’t tsjuster, hy hearde har bea
They wandered in the dark, he heard their prayer.
Mei in gouden bile tespjalten hja dyn grûn
With a golden axe they split your ground
Út dy brûzjende boarne streamde it rjocht
From your boiling/bubbling spring streamed the law.
Ferbûn doe de stammen en smeide de sibben
The tribes were then bound and kin forged.
Frijdom wie de heechste wet yn it Fryske hert
Freedom was the highest law in the Frisian heart!
Tongere hat it yn dyn blauwe loften
Thunder came into your blue skies
Fjoer en ferdjer frieten oan dyn geve lea
Fire and destruction devoured your noble body.
Wjerljocht en wriggen spoeken rûnom dy
Lightening and bad spirits haunted you all around.
Al hoe tsjuster it ek wie, dyn flam dôve nea
No matter how dark it was, your flame never dampened.
Reade rots fan Anna en sêft sân fan Düne
Red rock of Anna and soft sand of Düne (small island that was once connected to Helgoland),
In haven ha jim west foar eltse Fries
You were a haven for every Frisian,
Foar Klaus Störtebeker mei syn Likedielers
For Klaus Störtebeke with his Victual Brothers privateers.
Foar striders en rôvers, foar eltse biis.
For warriors and robbers, for every rogue.