Translation of the song Magna Frisia artist Baldrs Draumar
Magna Frisia
Magna Frisia (Greater Frisia)
Magna Frisia, folken stoaren foar dyn eare
Magna Frisia, people have died for your honor.
Magna Frisia, keningen fochten om dyn lannen
Magan Frisia, kings have fought on your lands.
Reuzen rûnen oer dyn grûn
Giants walked over your ground.
Goaden proasten op dy
Gods toasted you.
Lieten wurde oer dy songen
Songs have been sung about you,
Magna Frisia, frya fresena
Magana Frisian, Free Frisians!
Troch see omjûn
Surrounded by sea,
Troch bloed bûn
Bound by blood.
Dyn folken wyld
Your wild people
Mei swurd en skyld
with sword and shield.
Sil ik priizgje
I will value (you).
Sil ik fjochtsje
I will fight (for you).
Sil ik bliedzje 2x
I will bleed (for you).
Dêr’t Friezen bin,
There are the Frisians,
Weser oant ‘t Swin
from Weser (a river in Germany) to Swin (Zwin, modern Belgium).
Wol’k ienheid ha
I want to have unity
Oant Keulen ta
to Cologne (Germany).
Sil hja priizgje
I will value (you).
Sil hja fjochtsje
I will fight (for you).
Sil hja Striidzje
I will bleed (for you).