Translation of the song عین خیالت هم نیست artist Omid
عین خیالت هم نیست
you don't care
eyne khialetam nist
you don't care
eine khialetam nist yeki dare mimire
you don't care some one is dying
har vaght ke tanha mishe
whenever he feels alone
soragheto migire
he asks for u
eine khialetam nist in dele delvaapaso
you don't care about my concerned heart
parandeye bi paro tanhaie ghafaso
this wingless bird and loneliness in cage
((eine khialetam nist yeki hanooz montazere
you don't care some one is waiting
yeki ba do ta cheshme khis hanooz negahesh be dare
some one with wet eyes still is looking at the door
eine khialetam nist age ye rooz nabasham
you don't care if I don't exist some day
age beram bemiram ya ke azat joda sham
if I die or separate from you))
eine khialetam nist dooset nadashte basham
you don't care if I don't love you
dige ba didane to hesi nadashte basham
If I have no feeling about u when I see you
eine khialetam nist bedoone to bemiram
you don't care If I die without you
dige vase hamishe soragheto nagiram
If I don't ask for u ever
eine khialetam nist
you don't care.....
yeki ba do ta cheshme khis
some one with wet eyes....