Translation of the song مست artist Omid
emshab mikham mast besham
I wanna be drunk tonight
asheghe yekdast besham
I wanna be a real lover
bedoone to nist boodam
I wasn't alive without you
emshab mikham hast besham
I wanna be alive (with you)
ye joone naghabeli hast
there is a trifle soul(in my body)
bezar fadaye to beshe
let it adore you
beyofte zire ghadamat
let it fall under your feet
ke khake paye to beshe
let it be your feet's dust
kohne sharab
O old wine
emshab bal o param bede
give me feather tonight (actually: let me fly tonight)
harfe nagoofte kheyliye
there is still a lots of word
jorate bishtaram bede
give me more courage
emshab mikham harf bezanam
I wanna say my words tonight
khande konam, gerye konam
(I wanna) laugh and cry
lotfi kon ey saghi
O Cupbearer, please
o may chandeen barabaram bede
give me more wine
emshab par o bal daram
I have feather tonight
shor daram hal daram
I'm excited
emshab to in sine deli khosha bar ahval daram
I have a happy heart in this breast tonight