Translation of the song Nu te-ndoi, ci crede artist Nicolae Moldoveanu & Traian Dorz


Nu te-ndoi, ci crede

English translation

Doubt not but trust

1. Nu te-ndoi, ci crede că dincolo de nor

1.Doubt not but trust that yonder the darkest gloomy cloud

E-un soare şi mai dulce, şi mai strălucitor.

There lies an even sweeter, much brighter shining sun,

/: Nu norul este vesnic, ci soarele-i acel

/:The cloud is not eternal, just watch the glorious sun

Ce-nvinge şi rămâne stăpân în urmă El! : /

Which will defeat the evil and rule from up above.:/

2. Nu te uita la tine, că eşti atât de slab,

2.Fear not that you are lowly and weak and deeply frail,

Nici la vrăjmaşul care te-ar nimici degrab.

Fear not the cruel en’my who’d kill you right away,

/: Nu te uita la ziduri, la porţile de fier,

/:Fear not the iron locked gates that trapped you in their walls,

La ura ce scrâşneşte, ci uită-te la cer! : /

The hatred that is raging, but trust the Heaven doors.:/

3. Nu te-ndoi, ci crede că dincolo de tot

3.Doubt not but trust that in each and every circumstance

Veghează Dumnezeul puternic, Savaot,

Rules Lord of Hosts Almighty God of the universe,

/: Căci nici un păr nu-ţi cade şi nici o clipă nu-i,

/:For none a hair will fall out, for none a second be,

Că nu-i nici o-ncercare decât prin voia Lui. : /

For none a trial can reach you but what comes from His will.:/

4. Iar dacă crezi puternic, nimica nu-i spre rău,

4.And if you truly trust Him, then nothing is against,

Ci totul se va-ntoarce spre-un şi mai bine-al tău.

But all the situation will turn out for the best,

/: Nu te-ndoi, ci crede că-n ceasul cel mai greu,

/:Doubt not but trust that even along the hardest times

În fiecare clipă veghează Dumnezeu! : /

The Sovereign God in Heaven controls the darkest hours!:/

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