Translation of the song 40 pass artist Davide Van de Sfroos
40 pass
40 paces
Come corsari della Bovisa, sura un trenu del venerdé sira
Like privateers from La Bovisa, on a Friday evening train
Omen o quasi vegnüü de la melma per imparà a restà nel catràmm
Men, or almost, arisen from the mud to learn to stay in the tar
Quajvoen l’ha stüdiaa per mea ciapà bott
One studied not to take blows
Quajvoen l’ha crumpaa una cravatta e un giurnaal
One bought a tie and a newspaper
Quajvoen l’ha pruvaa a mett soe una divisa
One tried to wear the uniform
Ma l’ha tegnüü dumà la pistola
But then he only held the gun
Trii rembambii in soel puunt del naviglio
Three dancers on the Naviglio bridge
Per pruvà a truvà un quaj riflèss
Trying to find a reflection
Che nustalgia dell’acqua del laagh
What nostalgia for the water of the lake
Ma mai de quela giò in del büceer
But nothing of that inside the glass
Quajvoen l’ha flilaa cun scià una bandiera
One walked with a flag
Quajvoen l’ha sfilaa dumà i so müdaand
One only took off his underwear
Quajvoen l’ha pruvaa a guidà una pantera
One tried to drive a panther
E l’ha tegnüü dumà el lampegiaant
But then he only held the flashing light
E adess che i sann i culuu del metrò
And now that they know the colors of the metro
E adess che i sann in’de l’è la toilette
And now that they know where the toilet is
Se senten padroni de quell tocch de umbriia
They feel masters of this piece of shadow
Tra el marciapè èl Domm de Milaan
Between the sidewalk and Milan Cathedral
E forsi per luur l’è una gesa troppa granda
And maybe for them it's too big a church
E forsi per nà deent ghe voer anca el telepàss
And maybe to enter, you also need electronic toll
E bisognerà imparà una preghiera cumplicada
And you will have to learn a complicated prayer
E bisognerà imparà una preghiera de città
And you'll have to learn a city prayer
Per sta bela Madunina che l’è stüfa de brilà
For this beautiful Madonna who is tired of shining
Tropp luntana e piscinina per pudè ancamò scultà
Too far and small to be able to listen
Trii cumè luur
Three like them
E forsi l’è neda cume l’è nada o forsi cume la duveva nà
And maybe it worked like that or maybe how it should work
Trii omen, trii coer, trii para de ball, trii desten incrusaa a uncinett
Three men, three hearts, three pairs of balls, three crossed destinies
Quajvoen l’era stüff de purtà una bandiera
One was tired of carrying a flag
E l’ha faa el prufessuur a l’università
And he was a professor at the university
Ma una matena hann truvaa i volantini e un mitra scundüü in de la sua cà
But one morning they found leaflets and a machine gun hidden in his house.
Quell’oltru a l’era un prufessiunista senza stüdià per fa el gigolò
The other was a professional, no need to study to be a gigolo
A l’è scapüsciaa ne la dona sbagliada
But he stumbled upon the wrong woman
E in un sacch de coca scundüü in del crüscott
And on a bag of coke hidden in the dashboard
El teerz el faseva la guardia del corpo e anca l’autista per un senatuur
The third was the bodyguard and driver of a senator
In un sira impestaada de candell e butègli
In an evening full of candles and bottles
Per difeend na pelanda l’ha picaa un assessuur
To defend a bitch, he beat a city councilor
E adess che i sann cume l’è la galera che gh’hann pagüüra de nà a la toilette
And now that they know how it is the prison and are afraid to go to the toilet
I fann un brindisi alla buona condotta tra el marciapè èl Domm de Milann
They toast good conduct between the sidewalk and Milan Cathedral
E l’è tüta per luur questa gésa troppa granda
And it's all for them, this church that's too big
E forsi per nà deent basta fa quaranta pass
And maybe it just takes forty paces to get in
Una preghiera per Bob Marley e per el nonu in paradiis
A prayer for Bob Marley and for the grandfather in paradise
Una candela a Sant’Ambroes, una candela a San Vituur
A candle for Saint Ambroise, a candle for Saint Victor
E a sta bela Madunina che la riess amò a brilà
And to this beautiful Madonna who always manages to shine
La sarà anca piscinina ma la riéss anca a scultà
She'll still be small but can still listen
Trii cumè luur
Three like them