Translation of the song Sciuur Capitan artist Davide Van de Sfroos
Sciuur Capitan
Captain, Sir
Sciuur capitan, varda scià la mia mann:
Captain, sir, look at my hand here:
ho cupaa un’umbrìa la nòcc de capudann.
I killed a shadow on New Year’s night.
L’è staa püssee fàcil che stapà una butèglia,
It was easier than popping a bottle,
ma de ’n culp de s’ciòpp in crapa gh’è nissön che se svèglia.
but nobody can wake up from a rifle head shot.
Sciuur Capitan, ho cupaa una persona;
Captain, sir, I killed a person;
so mea se l’era grama, so mea se l’era bona.
I don’t know if he was bad, I don’t know if he was good.
M’han daa mila reson, en trövi neànca vöna.
They’ve given me a thousand reasons; I can find none.
So che me manca el mè fiöö, so che me manca la mia dona.
I know I miss my son, I know I miss my woman.
Sciuur Capitan, vöri dit la verità:
Captain, sir, I want to tell you the truth:
ghe n’ho piee i ball, e ’l Giuàni l’turna a cà.1
I’m sick and tired of it; Giovanni is going back home.
Sun sempru staa a tò urdini e t’ho mai tradii,
I’ve always followed your orders and I’ve never betrayed you,
però quèsta sira quèsta guèra la m’ha stüfii.
but tonight this war has fed me up.
Sciuur Capitan, me paar de vècch frècc;
Captain, sir, I seem to feel cold;
la guèra la finiss mai, me paar de vegnì vècc.
the war is never going to end, I seem to be growing old.
Crèpum in divisa, vèmm a cà in una bandiera,
We die in a uniform, we go home inside a flag,
e làssum che la moort la vaga in gir in canutiera.
and we let death go around in a tank top.
Sciuur Capitan, varda te che irunìa:
Captain, sir, it’s so ironical:
la giachèta insanguinada pudeva vèss la mia,
my jacket could have been the bloody one;
bastava che incuntravi un bastardo cumè me,
it would have been enough for me to meet a bastard like me
inveci che incuntrà chèl poor cìful là là lé.
instead of meeting that poor git over there.
Sciuur Capitan, varda i mè öcc,
Captain, sir, look at my eyes,
e quèsta tèra in tèra in genöcc.
and this land down on its knees.
Sèmm che a cürà el cunfin e pènsum de vèss fort;
We’re here looking after the border, and we think we are strong;
el sèmm che per crepaa ghe vör mea el passapórt.
we know that we need no passport to die.
Sciuur Capitan, vöri dit la verità:
Captain, sir, I want to tell you the truth:
ghe n’ho piee i ball, e stasira turni a cà.
I’m sick and tired of it, and tonight I’m going back home.
Sun sempru staa a tò urdini e t’ho mai tradii,
I’ve always followed your orders and I’ve never betrayed you,
però quèsta sira quèsta guèra la m’ha stüfii.
but tonight this war has fed me up.
Sciuur Capitan, quèsta ché l’è la verità:
Captain, sir, I want to tell you the truth:
sun pròpi stüüf, e stasira turni a cà.
I’m really sick of it, and tonight I’m going back home.
Se vöret iscriv, te regali la mia pèna;
If you want to write, I’m giving you my pen;
se vöret isparàm, quèsta ché l’è la mia schèna.
if you want to shoot me, this is my back.
Sciuur Capitan, varda scià la mia mann:
Captain, sir, look at my hand here:
ho cupaa un’umbrìa nèla nòcc de capudann.
I killed a shadow on New Year’s night.
A l’è staa püssee fàcil che stapà una buteglia,
It was easier than popping a bottle,
ma de ’n culp de s’ciòpp in crapa a gh’è nissön che se svèglia.
but nobody can wake up from a rifle head shot.