Translation of the song Opasno artist Buba Corelli
Džepovi mi puni love
My pockets are full of money
na stol mi zovi Moet
call me Moet for table
mala zlo je
girl is evil
znam da ne može bolje
I know it can't be better
Ne glumi
Don't act
pridji mi neće boljet
approach me, it won't hurt
taman ten bijeli zubi
dark skin, white teeths
guzi ne mogu odoljet
I can't resist to you're ass
Ona nacrtana strava
She is drawn awesome
tamna ko da je sa Bahama
dark skinned like she is from Bahamas
riba je mlada
that girl is young
ta mala nema mana
she don't have shortcomings (bad sides)
U klubu sama pleše
In club she is dancing alone
ko notr' dama
like notre lady
pa me opija
so she intoxicate me
pravimo zijan
we make damage
ubija nas svim slikama
she killing us with all pictures
mala jezik plazi ko zmija
that girl is crawling her tongue as snake
Kako zna da igra
how she knows to play
kad igra blefira
when she plays she is bluffing
sredstva ne bira
she's not choosing means
samo da me iznervira
just to irritate me
I kad je kriva
And when she is guilty
pravi se nevina
she pretending innocent
mala je vatra živa
that girl is alive fire
i rodjena nemila
and born restless
Čim si prišla mi za sto
As soon as you approach to my table
postalo je opasno
it became dangerous
kažu da si zlo
they said that you are evil
noćas mi fali baš to
exactly that is missing me tonight
Čim si prišla mi za sto
As soon as you approach to my table
postalo je opasno
it became dangerous
kažu da si zlo
they said that you are evil
noćas mi fali baš to
exactly that is missing me tonight
Hoda na 10 centi grijeha
She is walking on 10 centimeters of sin
gleda ko da je pjana
watching like she is drunk
nema tek dvadset ljeta
she's only just twenty years old
crna dama s Balkana
Black lady from Balkan
Perfektan spoj dva svijeta
Perfect match of two words
velka guza struk tanak
big ass, waist thin
puca pod kad ona po njemu šeta
floor is breaking when she walking on it
duša njena sada je ko Gana
her soul is like Ghana now
Zaronio bi u tebe ja ko u zenba
I would dive in you like as I would in pool
da si auto bebo bila bi benga
if you would car baby you would be Benga
da si puska bebo bila bi M-ka
if you would gun, you would be MK-47
u klubu se zna ko je alfa ženka
it knows who is alfa woman in the club
Ona dah mi oduzima
She is taking my breath away
kada vidi da gubim je ona uziva
When she see that I'm loosing, she enjoys
prvo dala mi nadu a onda je uzima
first she gave me hope and then she took it
mala me ubija kako kukovima uvija
that girl is killing me how she twist the hips
Kako zna da igra
How she knows to play
kad igra blefira
when she plays she is bluffing
sredstva ne bira
she's not choosing means
samo da me iznervira
just to irritate me
I kad je kriva
And when she is guilty
pravi se nevina
she pretending innocent
mala je vatra živa
that girl is alive fire
i rodjena nemirna
and born restless
Čim si prišla mi za sto
As soon as you approach to my table
postalo je opasno
it became dangerous
kažu da si zlo
they said that you are evil
noćas mi fali baš to
exactly that is missing me tonight
Čim si prišla mi za sto
As soon as you approach to my table
postalo je opasno
it became dangerous
kažu da si zlo
they said that you are evil
noćas mi fali baš to
exactly that is missing me tonight