Translation of the song Usta na usta artist Buba Corelli
Usta na usta
Mouth on mouth
Mlada i luda
Young and mad
Vjeru nema u ljubav
She doesn't believe in love
Slatka faca, vel'ka guza
Cute face, big butt
Došla da vidi šta život pruža
Came to see what life has to offer
Nije tu da se uda
Not here to get married
Ne bi vezu, ni muža
Doesn't want a relationship, nor husband
Bez obaveza posteljine gužva
With no obligations crumples sheets
A njena mala vazda miriše k'o ruža
And her little always smells like a rose
Na njoj Armani Code,
On her Armani Code
imaš najbolju guzu u clubu ne zaboravi to
you have the best butt in the club don't forget that
P'jana se mazi s' konobaricom
Drunk caressing with a waitress
zna šta me pali
knows what turns me on
ona najmerno mi radi to
she is doing it to me on purpose
Jedva dišem i molim, al' ne da usta na usta
I'm barely breathing and begging, but she doesn't give mouth on mouth
Njene štikle po volji a haljina tako uska
Her high heels at will and dress so narrow
Druge su kliše ona gori obori neda mi ustat
Others are cliché she is a flame knocks me down doesn't let me get up
Gdje god dođe stolove lomi voli da pravi rusvaj
Wherever she comes she's breaking tables loves to make a mess
gdje god dođe pravi rusvaj
wherever she comes makes a mess
Ta mala je pravi rusvaj
That girl is a real mess
gdje god dođe pravi rusvaj
wherever she comes makes a mess
Tvoje usne boje trule višnje
Your lips colored as rotten cherry
Ubila si me ne mogu više
You killed me I can't stand anymore
Neka gledaju svi, ti mi priđi bliže
Let everyone see, come closer
i ljubmornim napravi svog bivšeg
and make your ex jelaous
Gori želi da je gasim
Burning wants me to extinguish her
Kući da je vodim da je spasim
To take her home to save her
Ona bi kod mene da spava
Wants to sleep at my place
A znam da mi nebi dala da zaspim
And I know she wouldn't let me fall asleep
Uvjek u svoju korist odigra
Always plays on her behalf
K'o kučka ponaša se
Acts as a bitch
Hoda ko boginja
Walks like a goddess
Štikle torbica, koza krokodila
High hills bag, crocodile's skin
U klubu me za ruku vodila ko bodyguard
In the club took me by hand as a bodyguard
Jedva dišem i molim, al' ne da usta na usta
I'm barely breathing and begging, but she doesn't give mouth on mouth
Njene štikle po volji a haljina tako uska
Her high heels at will and dress so narrow
Druge su kliše ona gori obori neda mi ustat
Others are cliché she is a flame knocks me down doesn't let me get up
Gdje god dođe stolove lomi voli da pravi rusvaj
Wherever she comes she's breaking tables loves to make a mess
gdje god dođe pravi rusvaj
wherever she comes makes a mess
Ta mala je pravi rusvaj
That girl is a real mess
gdje god dođe pravi rusvaj
wherever she comes makes a mess