Translation of the song Catharsist artist Radwimps
''It's not the matter whether we win or lose''
''This match was more valuable than the matches we won''
I can understand what you want to say,
but I think there are many things that won't start without winning.
つまるところ要するに 今は御託並べずにがむしゃらに勝ちにいく時
After all, In short, It's time to shut up and go for win
今がその時 今が 今まさにその時
It's the time. Now, It's just the time
今がその時 今が 今まさにその時
It's the time. Now, It's just the time
Here we are now we came to take this game
Here we are now we came to take this game
No way, losing it's unacceptable
No way, losing it's unacceptable
For every single fear we carry, inside us
For every single fear we carry, inside us
Let's break them into pieces and prove we are the Winners
Let's break them into pieces and prove we are the Winners
誰かを負かしたいわけじゃない ただ自らの高みへ
It's not true I want to defeat someone. I just try to reach my best.
昇りたい 出逢いたい まだ見ぬ自分の姿に
I want to climb and find my state that I've never seen
だから僕ら今 手を取るよ あなたの握る力が
That's why we now take your hands. You don't know yet
どれほどの勇気をくれるかを あなたはきっと知らない
how much courage your power which holding my hands gives me
あなたにとっても どうかそうでありたい
I want to be so for you as well
敵は強く見えるもの いつの時もそういうもんだもの
It's natural that your rivals seem very strong.
だども 恐れるほどのことじゃなかろう
If so, It's not worth getting worried
敵にとっちゃ君はまたその 遥か高くそびえ立つ
For your rivals, you are like a great wall
超えられなき偉大な壁 今日(こんにち)までの
standing in front of them. It's time to show
everything of your days until today
今がその時 今が 今まさにその時
It's the time. Now, It's just the time
今がその時 今が 今まさにその時
It's the time. Now, It's just the time
Here we are now we came to take this game
Here we are now we came to take this game
No way, losing it's unacceptable
No way, losing it's unacceptable
For every single fear we carry, inside us
For every single fear we carry, inside us
Let's break them into pieces and prove we are the Winners
Let's break them into pieces and prove we are the Winners
誰かを負かしたいわけじゃない ただ自らの高みへ
Here we are now we came to take this game
昇りたい 出逢いたい まだ見ぬ自分の姿に
No way, losing it's unacceptable
だから僕ら今 手を取るよ あなたの笑う姿が
For every single fear we carry, inside us
どれほどの勇気をくれるかを あなたはきっと知らない
Let's break them into pieces and prove we are the Winners
あなたにとっても どうかそうでありたい
I want to be so for you as well
君と走り抜ける風に 乗れば勝てない痛みなど
When I run through with you riding on a wind, There's no pain I can't stand
ないとただ愚かなほどに 信じれる心があるよ
Now I can believe so certainly
僕が叫ぶこの声には たとえ意味などなかろうと
If my shouting voice had no meaning,
君にただ届けと願う 心が叫ぶのやめないの
I just wish it reaches you. My heart won't stop shouting
願うだけ ただ願うだけ 君の夢が咲き誇るまで
I wish. I just wish until your dreams bloom beautifully
願うだけ そう願うだけ 君の夢は僕のでもあるから
I wish. I wish so because your dreams are also mine