Translation of the song Picnic artist Radwimps



English translation


最期の夏の 入り口に立っていたのは

What was standing at the entrance of last summer

ナイフを首から ぶら下げた 青い魂

was a blue soul with a knife hanging from its neck

大きな瞳で世界を睨む どこまでも澄んだ 碧

The pure blue gazing the world with big eyes

仲良しなどとはとても言えない この『毎日』に

The ''everyday'' that was no good friend with me

あまりに突然にさよならを 切り出された

said goodbye to me so suddenly

好きでもないのにフラれた僕を 君は横で笑う

I didn't love her, but I was kicked out.

希望の類から一番 遠い場所で待ち合わせしたんだ

We had a rendezvous at a place that is furthest from things like hope

誰にも踏まれてないままの まっさらな雪の上みたいな

It was like snow that have never been stepped on

銀色のプールに 青い孤独がふたつ

Two blue solitudes in a silver pool

重ねた唇の 終わり方も知らず

Without knowing how to end the put rip

僕らは奇跡にも 及ばない光

We are the lights that We are lights that are inferior to even miracles

それでもいいと今夜は 君を眺め想う

''It's okay,'' I felt so while I looked at you tonight

人生初心者 丸出しの 小さな戦士

A little fighter who is a beginner of life apparently

舞い上がるスカートを翼にかえて 生きる今日も

She turn blown up skirts into wings, and live also today

たまに上手に生きられた日には 隠れて笑ってみた

I smiled secretly on some days day when I could live well

星を見上げて笑うことも ありがとう、ごめんねを使うことも

Without smiling while looking up to the starry sky, or saying thank you or sorry,

一度としてないままに僕ら 月にも内緒で 世界を抜け駆けた

We ran through the world, without letting even the moon know

飽きもせずに空は 今日も青いから

Since the sky is blue also today,

昨日も通り雨に 助けてもらったよ

The sudden rain helped me yesterday

「無様にもほどがある」 誰かが遠くで言う

''You're terribly miserable.'' Someone said from afar

じゃあ誰に教わればいい? はじめて生まれたんだ

Then, who could I learned from? It had not been born in me

宇宙のまばたきの間の 刹那に 恋をしたよ

I fell in love during a wink of the space

銀色のプールに 青い鼓動がふたつ

Two blue beats in a silver pool

重ねた唇に そっと思い出したよ

Stuck rips reminded me

あなたは僕がたしかに 生まれ落ちたあの日

You are the other part of me, that spilled from my hand

この手からこぼれ落ちた この僕の片割れ

On that day, when I was born certainly

はじめてしがみついた この世界の袖

I cling to the world's sleeve for the first time

振り払われようとて 握りかえしたよ

I wouldn't stop holding though it tried to shake off

僕らは 奇跡にも 及ばない光

We are the lights that are inferior to even miracles


Then, shall we…

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