Translation of the song ものもらい artist Radwimps
They’re always right here - these arms, these ears, these eyes.
僕は探したりなど したことはないけど
Although I never did search for them.
何かを探すのには いつも使うくせに
I’ve fallen into the habit of using them to search for something.
いつかなくなるなんて 考えもしないんだ
I never even considered that one day, they might be gone.
ある朝 目覚めれば 瞳がなくなってた
In the morning, if I wake up, I'll find my eyes gone.
探すにも探せない 君がないと探せない
I won’t go searching - without you, I can’t go searching.
If I tried to methodlessly fumble, I wouldn’t even have arms to do so.
If I tried to rely on listening to sound, I wouldn’t even have ears to make sense of it.
I don’t possess even the understanding to know how to meet myself,
ないと知った僕は何者 もうないもの?
or to know what I am - something no longer there?
An event that ought not to occur,
でも起こったよ そんなもんじゃない その上いく出来事が
yet somehow did - this event taking place isn’t that sort of thing.
「いつも ここにいたよ」ってさ 笑う声が悲しくて
“I was always here,” saying this, the laughing voice was sad.
そばにいたいと願えば願うほど 視界からは外れてて
The more I wish to be by your side, the more you stray from my field of vision.
「いつも ここにいたよ」って そう それはまるで泣きぼくろ
“I was always here,” and with that, I almost cried.
だから きっとこれからは毎朝 起きてさ 確かめるから
That’s why from here on, I’ll make sure I arise every morning.
いつだってここにいた 君の姿かたち
It was always right here - your figure, your visage.
どんなって言われても もう分からないほどに
No matter how you say it, I still can’t understand.
I’ve fallen into the habit of using it to search for something.
I never even considered that one day, it might be gone.
距離がものを言うなら 鼓動を僕とするなら
If distance indeed exists, and if my heart beats within me,
この腕よりも 耳よりも近くに君はいたから
it's because you were closer to me than my arms or ears.
だってさ わざわざ 広い世界の中から
After all, you came from within this extremely vast world,
僕の胸のここのところ 心の鼓動から
from within this place in my chest, from within my heartbeat.
2センチかそこらのところを お気に入りの場所に
It’s around two centimeters or so to my favourite place.
選んでくれたから だからこそ もはやそれは僕の一部と
It’s because I was allowed to choose it that it’s already a part of me.
思い込む 脳に罪はないと思う
I was under the impression that my mind was free of sin.
ほら また自分かばった 自分ばっかだ
See how I’m pleading again? I’m truly an idiot.
いつだってここにある 弱音や、迷い、愚痴を
They’re always here - these complaints, these waverings, this grumbling.
隠したってバレるならと 見せびらかすけど
Although I’d flaunt them if my hiding them was found out.
いつからかこの僕を 覆い隠すほどに
Since when have I been rushing to conceal the past me?
本当の姿など 見る影もないほど
To the point where even a shadow of its true form was nowhere to be seen.
この眼で この腕で 君のこと見つけたんだよ
With these eyes, these arms, I found you.
そして君で 君の手で ねぇそうだよ僕は僕の形が分かったよ
And thus, with you, with your hands, I understood the shape of me.
僕は僕と はじめて出会えたの
I met myself for the first time.
「いつもここにいたよ」ってさ 僕の中の遠くから
“I was always here,” are words from way deep within me.
耳を澄まして 出どころ探すけど 声の主は埋もれてて
I listen carefully in search of the source, but the master of the voice has been long buried.
「きっとこれからはね」ってさ 喉まできたその声を
“I’m sure, from here on…” said a voice that reached my throat.
どこに 向かって放てばいいかも 分からずただ呑みこむの
I didn’t know in which direction to release it, so I simply swallowed.
僕ら 二つが一つになれればと 近づきすぎたあの距離の意味を
The two of us could become one - that was the meaning of that distance which drew too close.
なんで今頃になってさ この記憶は語るのか
Why is it that this memory is being discussed now?
そうだ 一つが二つになったんだ この世に落とされるその前に
That’s right. One’s becoming two. Before they’re let fall into the thick of this world,
一瞬前に だから 不時着後すぐ会えたの
there’s a second left, so let’s meet directly after the emergency landing.
二度目の離ればなれも きっとすぐまた出会えるよ
Even if we’re scattered a second time, we’re sure to meet again soon.