Translation of the song ドリーマーズ・ハイ artist Radwimps
Dreamer's high
勇敢な僕たちは 昨日の夢を捨てて笑えるんだ
We're so courage that we can put away yesterday's dream and laugh
and make today's oath before sleeping
でもそう 時に僕たちは昨日の夢のために捨てるんだ 今日を
However, we sometimes put away today for the sake of yesterday's dream
and try to make old and someday's(*) myself stand on winner's plat form
敏感な僕たちは 今日もアンテナすり減らして
We're so sensitive that we wear down our antennas everyday
嫌われるのは慣れている バレバレ そんなのは嘘
and we're used to be hated. No, it's a n obvious lie
人殺しも 総理も 愛されるための技をその遺伝子に
Skills to be loved are tied around even a murderer's, or a prime minister's DNA
ぐるぐるに巻きつけられ行っておいでと母 手を振った
When their mothers send them off
夢+夢 我が侭
Dream plus dream. Selfish
夢+愛 優しさ
Dream plus love. Kindness
夢+声 叶えて
Dream plus voice. Come true
すべて足したら 思い出してよ
When you add them up, please remember
Non-stopping girls running boys he’ll be there for all of you
Non-stopping girls running boys he’ll be there for all of you
Shout it out born it out yeah whatever hungry
Shout it out born it out yeah whatever hungry
Blue Yellow green purple dream scramble egg, vanilla frost
Blue Yellow green purple dream scramble egg, vanilla frost
Running tears scars tissues and insanity as well
Running tears scars tissues and insanity as well
有能な僕たちは こんにちもこの地球の代弁者
We're so talented that we represent the earth also today
自薦他薦問わず問答無用 全会一致独裁者
Whether one ran as a candidate or chosen by someone isn't a problem. We're dictators unanimously
感動も悲劇もすべて手作り 自作自演家のさ
Even sensations and tragedies are artificial things made by ourselves
自画自賛自爆事故 さぁ手を叩いて笑ってくれよ でも
Self-praise, suicide bombing, accidents. Hey, pleas clap your hands and laugh. However
ドンウォーリー 例えば 今は’一人きり’飼いならそうとも
Don't worry. You might be trying to tame your ''loneliness'' now,
心配無用もう余の裕 僕らの父 母 皆モテんだ
You don't have to be worry, because our parents were all popular
だって四十六億年もの日々 一度として絶やすことなく
Since they have made loves for 4.6 billions years constantly,
メイクラブ&ラブし続 僕らこの世界に降り立った
we were finally born in this world
夢+羽根 届くよ
Dream plus wings. It reaches
夢+種 枯らした
Dream plus seed. withered
夢+嘘 叩いて
Dream plus lie. hit
すべて足したら すぐ分かるから
When you add them up, you'll realize soon
Non-stopping girls running boys I’ll be there for all of you
Non-stopping girls running boys I’ll be there for all of you
Shout it out born it out yeah whatever hungry
Shout it out born it out yeah whatever hungry
Blue Yellow green purple dream scramble egg, vanilla frost
Blue Yellow green purple dream scramble egg, vanilla frost
Running tears scars tissues and insanity as well
Running tears scars tissues and insanity as well
やまないでよ 運命の雨よ
Don't stop, rain of destiny
剥がさないでよ 愛のかさぶたを
Don't pick of the scab of love
( Non-stopping girls running boys he’ll be there for all of you
( Non-stopping girls running boys he’ll be there for all of you
Shout it out born it out yeah whatever hungry
Shout it out born it out yeah whatever hungry
Blue Yellow green purple dream scramble egg, vanilla frost
Blue Yellow green purple dream scramble egg, vanilla frost
Running tears scars tissues and insanity as well )
Running tears scars tissues and insanity as well )
生き足りない まだ分からない でも諦めないとそう誓ったんだ
Though I've not lived enough long to understand so many things(**),but I decided not to give up
使い捨てのやつとは違うほうの 近い近い誓い
It was a close oath, not disposable one
死にたくないし もうくだらない でもやめられないってくらい素晴らしい
It's lacking and boring, but It's so fantastic that I can't quit
そんな夢未来見つけてみたいよ 苦い苦い願い
I want to find such a nameless future. Such a bitter wish
Sadness plus kindness equal peace
Peace plus pain equal anger
Anger plus warmth equal tear
Tear plus tear equal dried-up
If I add a heart to the voice, words are born
If I add a love to the words, immediately
あぁ 全てを足して僕たちで
Ah, if I add up everything and divide by us,
The world is made