Translation of the song 会心の一撃 artist Radwimps



English translation

Satisfactory stroke


''Who cares you exist or not?'' is


the favorite phrase of the nasty world


It keeps on whispering about my ears

話がしたいなら顔を見せなよ 今すぐさ

If you want to talk with me, show me your face right now.


How many times do I have to regret


to exceed my expectations?


If my mind had legs,


would today's destination be a different one?

就職試験の合格通知 面白い人間の不合格通知

Letter of success in the employment examination

心は彼方 全力疾走で もういないだろう

Letter of failure in the ''interesting person'' examination


My mind has run far away, and not here already

圧倒的で感動的な 理想的超えて完璧な

Overwhelming, moving, perfect beyond the ideal,

運命的で冒険的な 時に叙情的な未来 VS

destined and adventurous future, which is sometimes lyrical VS

平均的で盲目的 半永久的に安泰な

Average, blind, semipermanently guaranteed

無痛 無臭 無害 無安打無失点の 未来 未来 未来

no-pain, no-smell, no-harm, no-hit and no-run future

近頃いつ僕は僕のことを 驚かせてやってあげたかな

I wonder when did I surprised myself lately


Before you run away from me, I'll make you say


''I'll follow you forever'' as soon as possible

自分で自分予測変換 説明書などなしで充分だって

I can do without predictive transform or manuals


On which page was


the ''It can't be helped,


because it can't be helped'' written?

圧倒的で感動的な 無敵的超えて完璧な

Overwhelming, moving, perfect beyond the matchlessness,

創造的で本能的な 前人未到的な 世界 VS

creative and instinctive world, which hasn't been discovered

退廃的で暴力的 悲劇的超えて残酷な

Degenerated, violent, cruel beyond the tragedy,

差別的ゆえに反逆的な世界 世界

and discriminatory therefore rebellious world world

圧倒的で感動的な 理想的超えて完璧な

Overwhelming, moving, perfect beyond the ideal,

創造的で本能的な 奇跡的超えて幸福な

creative, instinctive, happy beyond the miracle

退廃的で暴力的で 悲劇的超えて残酷な

Degenerated, violent, cruel beyond the tragedy,

独善的で享楽的な 完膚なきまでに壮絶な

egoistic, pleasure-seeking and thoroughly heroic

世界 世界 世界 世界 世界 世界

world world world world world world

圧倒的で感動的な 理想的超えて完璧な

Overwhelming, moving, perfect beyond the ideal,

運命的で冒険的な 時に叙情的な未来 ×2×2

destined and adventurous future, which is sometimes lyrical x2x2

創造的で本能的 芸術的超えて幸福な

creative, instinctive, happy beyond artisticness

延長22回 二死 満塁 3点ビハインド 不敵な笑み

''22th inning, two-out, Full-bases, 3 point behind, daring smile,

4番 目隠しスウィング 初球 逆転満塁弾な未来 未来

4th batter, blindfolded swing, first ball, homer that turns the tables’’ future future

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