Translation of the song 君と羊と青 artist Radwimps
You, a Sheep, and Blue
今がその時だともう気付いてたんだ 光り方は教わらずとも知っていた
I already knew now was the time, nobody had taught me but I knew how to shine.
眼の前の現在がもうすでに 思い出色していた
The present in front of me was already in the colors of memories.
奇跡は起こるもんじゃなくて起こすものだと 手当たり次第ボタンがあれば連打した
I heard miracles don't just happen but are caused, so I pounded all the buttons I could lay my hands on.
『今』がすり切れるくらいに生きてたんだ 精一 目一杯を
I lived to the utmost doing my best, so the present started to wear out.
喜怒哀楽の全方位を 縦横無尽に駆け抜けた日々を
Those days where we ran freely throughout every human emotions in all directions,
君を見つけ出した時の感情が 今も骨の髄まで動かしてんだ
The emotion I felt when I found you is moving me to the marrow of my bones even now.
眩しすぎて閉じた瞳の残像が 今もそこで明日に手を振ってんだ
This afterimage so bright I shut my eyes, is still waving hands towards the future from there.
世界が僕らを置き去りにするから 負けじと彼らをなおざりにしてやった
Because the world left us behind, we neglected them equally.
するとどうだ寂しがったこの世界が 向こうから割り込んできた
And then, guess what, the world which felt lonely, wedged itself in.
今日の僕を賞味できる期限は今日 眠らせて 腐らせるくらいならばと
The today me is best eaten by today. Rather than letting me to die and rot away,
青いままでヘタもとらず落ちた僕を 君が受け取ったんだ
You accepted the still blue me, that had fallen, without taking my stem.
苦いけど 苦しくはないよと 君は
You told me You're bitter, but it doesn't matter.
酸っぱいけども 悪くはないよと そう言った
You said I was sour, but not too bad tasting.
起承転結の『転』だけを 欲張って頬張った僕らの日々よ
Introduction, development, turn and conclusion, our days where we were greedy and stuffed our cheeks only with turns.
Days without a conclusion.
君を見つけ出した時の感情が この五臓の六腑を動かしてんだ
The emotion I felt when I found you is moving all my viscera and organs.
眩しすぎて閉じた瞳の残像が 向かうべき道のりを指差してんだ
This afterimage so bright I shut my eyes is showing me where I should go.
リアルと夢と永遠と今と幻想が 束になって僕を胴上げしてんだ
Reality, dreams, eternity, the present and illusions all bunch up and toss me high in the air.
あの日僕らを染め上げた群青が 今もこの皮膚の下を覆ってんだ
The ultramarine that dyed us that day is still wrapped beneath my skin.