Translation of the song 夢見月に何想ふ artist Radwimps
what do you think watching dreaming moon
いつかの「忘れちゃいたい」僕も 「なんで言っちゃったんだ」の僕も
I, someday saying I want to forget about it, and even I, saying why have said that
both have appreciated me, more than love nor hate
泣いた 笑った 叫んだ その”今”の連鎖が僕なら
I cried, I laughed, I screamed, and if all the chain of nows are me
偶然の上に生きてきた そして「今」の僕に会えたなら
living in chances, I met myself, who is not like before or else
悲しみよ 苦しみよ 痛みよ 気持ちよさよ ありがとう
sorrows, pains, agonies, happiness, I thank them all
若かりし頃に 戻りたまふと 願わん君の愚かさに
a silliness hoping to get back to youth
makes all the words, persons and events shame themselves and blame the time
いつかの青すぎた夢も 季節は教えてくれよう
the dream, someday being too green and young, will tell you seasons
再び出会ったときに 見舞うその色は違えど
when you meet it again, its color could be changed, though
あなたを見ているんだ あの日の若きシラベは
it is watching you, the young song that day
ワタシを羨むあなたが 振り返ったときに言えるよう
for you, envying me, will be able to turn back and say
I'm waiting for you
思い出せたその言葉だけで 数え切れぬ物語できて
the only words we could remember can make uncountable stories,
and we can go back to the place of someday anytime
いつかの雨も ここに降らすの
let it rain here, the rain someday
あの日の夢も ここに映すの
let it comes true, the dream of that day
君とのアレも 気付けば
and that thing about us could be over
ほら 君は笑ってる
see, you are smiling
昔を惜しんでも 先を恨んでも その全てがもう 今の君なの
holding the past, cursing the future, all the thing you have done is you now
忘れたい君も 忘れたくない君も 作ってきたの 今の君を
you who you want to forget and you who you don't want to forget, all the you have made you now
記憶にある僕 思い出にない僕 その全てはね 僕を知ってるの
me, in my memories, or me, not in my memories, all of them know me
色付いていくの 一つになったの それが君なの
and they are having colors and comes together. that is you
(悲しみよ 苦しみよ 喜びよ 儚さよ 愛しさよ 虚しさよ 痛みよ)
(sorrows, pains, happiness, fleetings, loves, emptiness, agonies)
若かりし頃に戻りたまふと願って それ叶って
if you wish to come back to youth and your wish comes true
季節は何思う?次君は何を請う? 時は怒り 君を呪う
what the seasons will think? what do you wish next? time will anger and curse you
いつかの いつかの青すぎた夢も 季節は教えてくれよう
the dream of someday, someday being too green and young, will tell you seasons
when you meet it again, its color could be changed, though
あなたを知っているんだ あなたが捨てたたくさんのアナタ
they know about you, a lot of yous you left
私はどこにも行かない あなたの中に 気付いてくれるの
I won't go anywhere, inside of you I am waiting for you to
notice me