Translation of the song Blitz, baby artist Jung (Danmark)
Blitz, baby
Blitz, baby
[Vers 1]
[Verse 1]
Måske burd' jeg lad' mig fortælle ting
Maybe I ought to tell you things
Måske, når det' alt, jeg ka' forestil'
Maybe, when it's all I can think about,
Der bli'r jeg alene
I'll be alone
Går rundt i takt uden at find', når jeg ser mig omkring
Walking around in circles without taking in what I see when I look around me
Har ting at tænk' på, som i virkelighed
Have things to think about, as in reality
Får ting at tænk' på, det' næsten svært at bevise
Got things to think about, it's almost hard to show
Tør ikk' at tænk' på, jeg er forfalden til sidst
Don't dare to think about, I'm in bad condition, in the end
Måske burd' jeg lad' mig fortælle ting
Maybe I ought to tell you things
[Vers 2]
[Verse 2]
Velkommen til alléen, ven
Welcome to the alleyway, friend
Er du alene, ska' du med mig hjem?
Are you alone, will you be coming home with me?
Det' mit, ska' du se
It's mine, you'll see
Går rundt i byen for at find', må man se sig omkring
Walking around town to find out why you must look around yourself
Er du tæt på? Som når alting forstås
Are you close? As when everything is understood
Er du tæt på? Som i alting der bli'r
Are you close? As in everything there is
Er du tæt på? Som i virkelighed
Are you close? As in reality
Måske burd' jeg lad' mig fortælle ting
Maybe I ought to tell you things
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Det' ikk' nok at få sagt noget
It's not enough to say something
Der' ikk' noget her
There's nothing here
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Det' ikk' nok at få sagt noget
It's not enough to say something
Der' ikk' noget her
There's nothing here
[Vers 3]
[Verse 3]
Måske har du prøvet at forsvinde selv
Maybe you've tried to make yourself disappear
Måske at være væk uden at længes hjem
Maybe [you've tried] to move away without being homesick
Har du intet at gi'?
Do you have nothing to give?
Går rundt i byen for at find', når du ser dig omkring
Walking around town to see what you find when you look around yourself
Er du tæt på? Som i alting der bli'r
Are you close? As in everything there is
Er du tæt på? Som i alting du er
Are you close? As in everything you are
Er du tæt på? Som i virkelighed
Are you close? As in reality
Måske burd' jeg lad' dig fortælle ting
Maybe I ought to tell you things
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Det' ikk' nok at få sagt noget
It's not enough to say something
Der' ikk' noget her
There's nothing here
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Det' ikk' nok at få sagt noget
It's not enough to say something
Der' ikk' noget her
There's nothing here
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Det' ikk' nok at få sagt noget
It's not enough to say something
Der' ikk' noget her
There's nothing here
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Blitz, baby, blitz, baby, please
Det' ikk' nok at få sagt noget
It's not enough to say something
Der' ikk' noget her
There's nothing here