Translation of the song Vapnatak artist Heilung
Dou hast zu de Berje gesaat, wo se seich hinsatze sulle.
You have told the mountains where to sit down.
Dou host domols de Sunn ohgefängt, un hast de Mond un de Stern so gesatzt, dass eich immer hämmfinne don.
You have initiated the sun back then, and have arranged the moon and the stars so that I will always find home.
Dou hast em Eise gesaat, wo et woose sull, un aach, dat et bei mir im Bloot is.
You have told the iron where to prosper as well as to be in by blood.
Dou brichst mer de Wille, un setzt en zerichte.
You break my will and set it right;
Doust en hämmern, wie n [Bieses?-] Schwert
and hammer it like a ferocious sword.
Nimm meich ousenanner, un setz mei Schwert zesamme, ganz nah, un so, dat ma eich nit verhexe konn.
Take me apart and assemble my sword, entirely new, and in a way that I cannot be bewitched.
Wies mer de Wech, dorch de bläuliche (?) Sunn, un zeich mer alles.
Lead my way, through the [??? I don't think this is about the colour blue] sun, and show me everything.
Dou nimmst et Licht net nur zum helle mache.
You do not only use the light to illuminate.
Eich ho kä Angst im Dunkele, [ho de deif Wonne], weil det Licht et Läwe nämmt, ? ? Vullmond hat ?.
I have no fear in the dark, or deep down, where light takes its life, [??? something with fullmoon]
Dou saast nit, wat eich zu sehe honn, or immer, wo eich hiegucke sull.
You do not tell me what to see, nor always where to look.
Dou giest mer nit immer, wat eich mer wünsche don, or immer, was eich brouche.
You don't always give me what I wish for or what I need.
Zwische mei Feinde hast dou mei beste Lehrer verstachelt.
Between my foes you have enrooted my best enemies.
Dou hast de Mout mit arich Angst iegepackt, un de Roh host du mitte in schwierig Schmerze ringedon.
You have wrapped courage with thorough fear, and you have put serenity amidst tedious pain.
In der Schöpfung doust dou dein Gesichte un dei Gestalt verberje, die seich immer verännern don.
Within creation you hide your face and your guise which always change their shape.
Dou hinnergehst meich een Mo, so dat eich näher bei dir sei ko, un satzt meich bei de Ahne bei, die vor mir gestorwe sei.
You delude me at one point so that I can be closer to you, and you lay me to rest with my ancestors ho have died before me.
Dou hinnerlässt mer de Kopp blourisch, or meich uffrecht stieh. Un jetz geer eich mei Läwe in dei arisch starke Hänn, dass dou druff uffpasse doust.
You leave my head bloodied with me standing upright. And now I give my life into your most vigorous hands so you will take care of it.