Translation of the song Боли свака твоја реч artist Aleksandra Prijović
Боли свака твоја реч
Your Every Word Hurts
Uvek pored mene tvoja senka krene
Your shadow is always there beside me
kao dokaz, moje prve ljubavi
as though to give proof of my first love.
gde su naši dani, gde su naše noći
Where have are our days gone? Where have our nights gone?
kad smo nekad našu ljubav slavili
The times when we used to celebrate our love?
Boli svaka tvoja reč
Your every word hurts
boli svaki osmeh tvoj
Your every smile hurts
boli, boli kao uzdah moj
They hurt, hurt me like my sighs.
Lažeš, da si bio slep
You're lying that you were blind
lažež, da si bio fer
You're lying that you were fair
lažeš, lažeš, da je bio greh
You're lying, lying that it was a sin.
Tražim te sa nadom
I search for you with high hopes
kad prolazim gradom
whenever I pass through the city
vetar tuge, kada kosu dodirne
and the winds of sorrow, caress my hair.
da mi pružiš ruku i zastaneš malo
*For you to reach your hand out to me and stop for a while
da te pitam, zašto, ljubav umire
so that I can ask you, why is our love dying?