Translation of the song Вољена грешко artist Aleksandra Prijović
Вољена грешко
Favourite Mistake
Било је лето љубав у ваздуху
It was summer, love was in the air
а ја предуго сама и од свега уморна
and I had been alone for too long and was tired from everything
а ти као да си осетио то
and you, it was like you could sense that.
Памети отказ дала сам па се предала
I fired my good sense and gave myself up
био си доказ да ђаво никад не спава
you were proof that the devil never sleeps
а ја ко да ми је петнаест блесава
and I, was foolish as a fifteen years old.
Све и да могу вратити време
Even if I could turn back time
опет бих пустила да течеш ми кроз вене
I would again allow you to flow through my veins
вољена грешко ма што ми тешко да те поновим
my favourite mistake, why is it so difficult for me to repeat you?
Све да се деси на моју штету
Even if it would work against me,
сви да ми кажу да си најгори на свету
Even if they all told me that you are the worst man on the planet,
вољена грешко ма што ми тешко да те поновим
my favourite mistake, why is it so difficult for me to repeat you?
Ма биће боље у зору сам се тешила
Oh it will get better, I comforted myself in the morning
да могу опет са тобом бих погрешила
If only I could make mistakes with you again
а ти као да си осетио то
and you, it was like you could sense that.
а ти као да си осетио то
And you, it was like you could sense that.
Рефрен 2x
Refrain 2x:
Све и да могу вратити време
Even if I could turn back time
опет бих пустила да течеш ми кроз вене
I would again allow you to flow through my veins
вољена грешко ма што ми тешко да те поновим
my favourite mistake, why is it so difficult for me to repeat you?
Све да се деси на моју штету
Even if it would work against me,
сви да ми кажу да си најгори на свету
Even if they all told me that you are the worst man on the planet,
вољена грешко ма што ми тешко да те поновим
my favourite mistake, why is it so difficult for me to repeat you?