Translation of the song Тело artist Aleksandra Prijović
Telo ,to si od mene jedino i hteo
(My) Body, that is the only thing you wanted from me
telo , tako ti dobro stojim uz odelo
Body, (because)I look so good next to your suit.
ko na skupa vina da se ložiš
It's like you're getting turned on by expensive wine
na ona jeftina da trošiš
to only spend out on the cheap one.
nije tvoje ono što je tvoje bilo nikada
That which was never yours in the first place is not yours now.
Nisam ti bila dovoljno loša
I wasn't bad enough to you
da bih ti dobra bila
to be good for you
sto puta s tobom pakao prošla
A hundred times I went through hell with you
kidala se živa
(whilst) still alive, I would break myself apart (for you).
Nisam ti bila dovoljno grešna
I wasn't sinful enough for you
u ove kasne sate
in the late hours (of the night)
ni lagala ni varala a samo te se pamte
I didn't lie, nor cheat on you, and only those women are remembered.
ni lagala ni varala a samo te se pamte
I didn't lie, nor cheat on you, and only those women are remembered.
Telo , telo bez duše ožiljke ne broji
Body, a body without a soul doesn't count its scars
telo prodji kraj mene kao da ne postojim
A body passing by me as though I don't exist.
kada odem nemoj da se javiš
When I go, do not call
ovde nemaš kome da se vratiš
You have nobody to return to here.
nije tvoje ono što je tvoje bilo nikada
That which was never yours in the first place is not yours now.
Refren(2x) :
Refrain (2x):
Nisam ti bila dovoljno loša
I wasn't bad enough to you
da bih ti dobra bila
to be good for you
sto puta s tobom pakao prošla
A hundred times I went through hell with you
kidala se živa
(whilst) still alive, I would break myself apart (for you).
Nisam ti bila dovoljno grešna
I wasn't sinful enough for you
u ove kasne sate
in the late hours (of the night)
ni lagala ni varala a samo te se pamte
I didn't lie, nor cheat on you, and only those women are remembered.
ni lagala ni varala a samo te se pamte
I didn't lie, nor cheat on you, and only those women are remembered.