Translation of the song Alto y claro artist Pablo Hasél


Alto y claro

English translation

Loud And Clear

La inmensa mayoria dice lo que las personas quieren oir

The great majority says what people want to hear

yo diré lo que las personas necesitan escuchar.. siempre alto y claro, ¡Ah!

I will say what people need to listen to...always loud and clear, ah

Ladra, más que sabrán aprovechar palabras

Bark, though what do they know about learning from words

Antes que escucharlos me hago Mosso d'esquadra

Before I listen to them, I'd rather turn into a mosso d'esquadra(*1)

Dicen que estoy como una cabra las ovejitas

Sheep-like people say I'm goat-like crazy

Pero casi no sobo para ser el lobo que las destripa

Yet I hardly sleep, to be the wolf that guts them

Lo fácil es llevar una cami del Che

The easy thing to do is to war a t-shirt with El Che Guevara

Lo difícil es seguir su ejemplo, sus libros leer.

What is difficult is to follow his example, to read his books

Echas mierda a los que tenemos verdades en la boca

You throw shit upon those of us who speak truth from the mouth

Por que estás podrido de ser tan pasota.

It's because you are rotten from being so indiffirente to the important things in life

Si no haces nada almenos respeta,

If you can't do anything, at least respect

Intereconomía pronto dirá que la chistorra es ETA,

Soon Interconomía-TV(*2) will say that ETA is the chistorra(*3)

que comiendo kebabs apoyas a Al Qaeda,

and that you support Al-Qaeda if you eat kebabs

aunque ya juegan con dignidades muertas en la cuneta.

though they already play around with dead dignity on the edge of streets.

Cuantos niños crecen enganchados a la TV,

How many kids grow up hooked to the TV,

nuevos idiotas clones de Rafa Mora suben,

New idiots, clones of Rafa Mora

ya ves si se suben que se creen únicos,

How they believe themselves to be unique,

y son la última mierda de este puto circo,

and they're the least important shit in this fucking circus

aunque vacilen hasta el culo de perico,

though they hesitate to their parrot asses,

benditos por políticos que dian seres críticos.

blessed they are by politicians

He visto cosas que para mí andan más que claras,

I've seen things that are most clear to me,

pero no para quienes son maniquís del Zara.

yet they are not clear to people who look like mannequins from the department store Zara.

Tu videoclip parece un anuncio de moda,

Your music video looks like a fashion advertisement,

eso no es serio no me jodas,

that's no serious, for fuck's sake,

vas de malo y ni robas,

you pretend to be bad but don't even rob/thieve,

una cerveza en el super,

a beer in the supermarket

yo siempre supe,

I always knew,

que daría más importancia al cerebro que al tupé.

that I'd give more importance to the brain than to the drinking

España es una choni con demasiado maquillaje,

Spain is a choni(*4) with too much make-up,

se avergonzará cuando su colocón baje.

she will be ashamed when her drug effect passes.

Es un mundo bonito para ti cegato,

Sure it's a nice world for you, blind person.

yo vomito por que de todo me percato.

I vomit because I take notice of all that is happening.

Normal que los forrados os hagan ver

It's normal that loaded rich people would have you believe

que no es tan grave la situación,

that the situation isn't so serious.

tiene gracia que digan

It's funny when they say

que hay pocos errores en la demomafia,

that in this demo-mafia-ocracy the problems are few;

que en restaurantes caros les llena la barriga,

because they eat in very expensive restaurants until their bellies are full,

y el corazón les vacía.

which , in turn, empties out their hearts.

Dirán que peor el comunismo,

They will insist that communism is far worse than this;

cuando de no ser por este morirían aún más niños.

however if it were not for it, they'd die even younger.

Partidos apoyan tranquilos bombardeos a palestinos,

The political parties calmly support bombardments upon the Palestinians,

luego nos llaman violentos y les escupimos.

And they turn around and tell us that we are violent, so we spit at them.

Siempre juegan al mundo al revés,

They like to play this game of world upside down,

la verdad es lo contrario a lo que rebuznen.

Truth is the opposite of whatever they say like donkeys (*5)

El mundo no puede reducirse a tus caderas,

The world can't be shrunk down to your hips,

por eso soy internacionalista como @Askapena

and for that reason I'm internationalist like @Askapena

Alcalade masón con complejo de faraón,

Hey you freemason mayor with a Pharaoh Complex,

no eres mayoria abosuta,

you are not absolute majority,

¡La mayoría no te votó!

The majority did not vote for you!

Hijo de puta deja de colgarte medallas,

Son of a bitch, stop hanging medals around your neck,

lameculos de la monarquía, ¿Por qué no te callas?

ass-licker of the monarchy, why don't you shut up?

Construyendo colosales obras de dudoso gusto,

You build things of colossal proportions and of poor taste,

no presumas capullo, el mérito es de obreros no tuyo.

Do not boast, idiot, the merit goes to the construction workers, not to you.

Intuyo que encima duermes tranquilo,

I sense that, to top things off, you sleep well nights;

pero tu politica provoca que otros vivan al filo.

but your politics are the cause that other people live on the edge.

Aniquilo las facilidades que me podríais dar,

I destroy the eases and comforts you all could provide,

por no venderme y escupir, jodida realidad.

because I won't be a sell-out; I spit on you. Fucked up reality.

Queréis que todos seamos corderitos sumisos,

You would have us all be submissive little sheep,

no describas esta cloaca como si fuera el paraíso.

Do not describe this cesspool as if it were a paradise.

Os ganáis a los niños dandoles coca y chocolate,

You win over youngsters by giving them cocaine and chocolate,

joder tus delirios de grandeza son alarmantes.

Fuck (wow), your delusions of grandeur are alarming.

Para ganar protegonismo prohibes el burka,

You ban the burka so as to be protagonist,

prohíbeselo a las monjas que tanto te gustan.

Forbid the nuns from wearing it-- since you like them so much.

Vas de católico y eres todo lo contrario a Cristo,

You go around pretending to be a Catholic, but you are everything that is contrary to Jesus Christ.

tus misas son de lo más hipócrita que he visto.

Your masses are as hypocritical as I've ever seen.

El PSOE es una mafia anti-comunista,

The PSOE(*6) is an anti-communist mafia,

que con berbenas para abuelas votos conquista.

You give soirées to grandmas to gather votes.

Endeudais a la ciudad con nuestros impuestos,

You indebt the city with our taxes,

joderos, con rabia revolucionaria me acuesto.

Fuck yourselves, with revolutionary rage I lay down at night

Cada vez más gente es consciente del enagaño,

People are getting more and more conscious of these lies.

guárdate las subvenciones.. que yo no me callo.

Keep your grants and subsidies to yourself...I will not be silent.

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