Translation of the song Comunista artist Pablo Hasél



English translation


Comunista por muchas cosas

I'm a Communist for many reasons

Sobretodo porque despues de informarme

Especially because, after educating myself

Me di cuenta de que el solcialismo es la unica forma viable de un cambio en grande escala

I realized that Socialism is the only viable means

No dejaremos de recordar los logros del socialismo

We won't allow the achievements of Socialism to be forgotten

Que fueram muchos

Because there were so many

Ayudando a muchos

And they helped so many people.

Comunista cual bolchevique apuñalando a un zar

I'm a Communist like a Bolshevik stabbing a czar

Porque nadie debe tener derecho a explotar

Because no one has the right to exploit others

Porque el socialismo es un cambio de base

Because Socialism is a change from the roots up,

No un parche para una herida que tiene que curarse

Not just an aid band over a wound that must be healed

Comunista como jornaleros ocupando tierras

I'm a Communist like day labourers taking land

Que colectivizan y sueñan con duquesas muertas

To collectivize it, while dreaming of dead Duchesses*

Porque la tierra ha de ser de quien la trabaja

Because the land should belong to those who work it

Se le quitará a los señoritos a las buenas o a las malas

So we will take them from the nobility by any means necessary.

Comunista como josé manuel sevillano

I'm a Communist like José Manuel Sevillano*

Muriendo en huelga de hambre sin ser un gusano

Who died in a hunger strike though he was not a maggot

Sin recibir dólares a cambio como esos mercenarios

Refusing to be paid in dollars, unlike those mercenaries*

Jódete estado, no dejaremos que sea olvidado

Fuck off, State, we refuse to let him be forgotten.

Comunista como el che tiroteado en la selva

I'm a Communist like Che Guevara, who was killed in the jungle

Cuando podría haber llevado una vida burguesa

When he could have left a comfortable bourgeois life;

Él fue la máxima expresión de comunismo

He was the pinnacle of Communism

Quédate con su ideología o ejemplo, no con el mito

Remember his beliefs and his example, not just the myth.

Comunista como marx que sin ser obrero

I'm a Communist like Karl Marx who, though not a worker,

Luchó por quienes picaban piedra el día entero

Fought for those who worked incessantly all day long

El mérito de su trabajo es más que incalculable

The value of his work is beyond any measure

Y aún algunos pretenden desacreditarle

And yet, there are some who dare to try and discredit him.

Sin escatimar esfuerzos en desarrollar una teoría

He put all his efforts into developing a theory

Que beneficiara a la inmensa mayoría

That would benefit the vast majority of people,

Asestando un golpe a la burguesía del que jamás se repondrá

Thus dealing a mortal blow to the bourgeoisie, that won't recover

Tarde o temprano aplastaremos su podrida moral

For, sooner or later, we'll destroy their rotten morals.

Comunista como lenin dedicando su vida entera

I'm a Communist like Lenin, who devoted his entire life

Al llanto de la burguesía, al triunfo de la clase obrera

To causing grief to the bourgeoisie and making workers succeed

Agitando a las masas con discursos afilados

Moving the masses with sharp speeches

Expandiendo la revolución de las ciudades a los campos

And expanding the Revolution from the cities to the countryside,

Creando conciencia de clase, el odio al opresor

Building a common class consciousness, hating oppressors

Es la base para construir un mundo mejor

Is the basis for building a better world.

Logró con argumentos organizar la rabia

With his arguments, he managed to build something from rage:

Seamos la palabra que trama como su exilio en finlandia

Let's be his labouring words, like his exile in Finland*

Libertad es igualdad de oportunidades

Freedom means equal opportunities

Acabaremos con el “tanto tienes tanto vales”

We'll get rid of the idea so much you own, so much you're worth

Democracia son leyes que sirvan al pueblo

Democratic laws should serve the people

Por eso contra este atropello me rebelo

And that's why I rebel against this abuse of power.

Comunista porque no se come de metafísica

I'm a Communist because you can't eat Metaphysics

Y un cambio radical de base la humanidad necesita

And humanity needs a radical change, from the roots up

Antiracistas, antimachistas, evolución pedimos

Anti-racists, anti-misogynists, we demand evolution

Socialismo científico, marxismo-leninismo

Scientific socialism, Marxism-Leninism.

Comunista como stalin siendo el terror del burgués

I'm a Comunist like Stalin being the terror of the bourgeoisie

Frenando la contrarevolución como se tenía que hacer

Stopping the reactionaries in the way it had to be done

De lo contrario los del poder ario los hubieran invadido

If he hadn't done that, the Nazis would've invaded them

Alzando las manos no se puede frenar al fascismo

You can't stop Fascism by putting your hands up

Líder ejemplar, corruptos al gulag

He was an exemplary leader: corrupt people went to the gulag

Que vuelva la sociedad de la igualdad que supo comandar

Let's bring back the equal society he commanded

Por eso incluso con manipulación hoy aún sigue

That's why, in spite of the manipulation, he still is

Siendo el héroe pa millones de rusos que quieren ser libres

A hero to millions of Russians who want to be free.

Sin el yugo capitalista, sin quienes les traicionaron

Without the Capitalist yoke, free of those who betrayed him

Jrushchov se merece un kalashnikov por el ano

Khrushchev deserves a kalashnikov up his arse*

Hoy por moscú niños pegamento esnifan

Today, children in Moscow sniff glue

Duermen en la calle mientras pasan limusinas

They sleep in the streets while limousines drive by

Con mafiosos forrados, la cia aplaude.

With wealthy mafiosi inside; the CIA applauds.

Millones en propaganda anticomunista y toma fraude.

Millions spent on anti-Communist propaganda and lots of fraud

Pero muchos no creímos sus mentiras

But many of us refuse to believe in their lies

Contrastamos información y hacemos que su ejemplo viva

We do our research and make sure that their memory lives.

Comunista como ramón mercader ejecutando a la rata de trotski

I'm a Communist like Ramon Mercader, who killed that rat Trotsky*

Sobraba más que un pepero en donosti

Who had less worth than a PP militant in Donosti*

Muchos capitalistas hablan maravillas de él

Many Capitalists sing his praises

Porque su deriva reformista no pueden temer

Because they are not afraid of his reformist approach

Siempre pintan a stalin como el malo

They always say that Stalin was evil

Porque la práctica del marxismo-leninismo sus privilegios ha expropiado

Because the application of Marxism-Leninism has put and end to their privileges

El trotskismo es un instrumento del imperialismo

Trotskyism is an instrument of imperialism

Lo dijo fidel: Siempre a comunistas han vendido

Fidel Castro said it best: Trotskyists sell their Communist friends

Estilo carrillo, en la falsa transición

Just like Santiago Carillo in the farce of the Transition*

Muérete ya con tu circo, patético amigo del borbón

Die already with your lies, pathetic friend of the Bourbon king

El capitalismo nunca los ha perseguido

Capitalism has never gone after these people

Porque necesitan su timo, su parte más amable son

Because it needs their falsehoods; they are its friendly promoters

Comunista como engels, que teniendo capital

I'm a Communist like Engels, who was wealthy

Rechazó ser un explotador más y junto a marx

But chose not to be another exploiter and, with Marx,

Usó su poder intelectual pa servir a los hambrientos

Used his intellectual prowess to help the hungry

No pa enriquecerse a costa de su sufrimiento

And not to become even wealthier thanks to their suffering.

Libertad es igualdad de oportunidades

Freedom means equal opportunities

Acabaremos con el “tanto tienes tanto vales”

We'll get rid of the idea so much you own, so much you're worth

Democracia son leyes que sirvan al pueblo

Democratic laws should serve the people

Por eso contra este atropello me rebelo

And that's why I rebel against this abuse of power.

Comunista porque no se come de metafísica

I'm a Communist because you can't eat Metaphysics

Y un cambio radical de base la humanidad necesita

And humanity needs a radical change, from the roots up

Antinazis, anticapitalistas, evolución pedimos

Anti-racists, anti-misogynists, we demand evolution

Socialismo científico, marxismo-leninismo

Scientific socialism, Marxism-Leninism.

Comunista como el glorioso ejército rojo

I'm a Communist like the glorious Red Army

Con cada canción antifascista que hago los honro

With every anti-fascist song I write, I'm honouring them

De no ser por ellos igual hablaríamos alemán

If it hadn't been for them, maybe we'd all be speaking German

Con el brazo alzado. Su vida entregaron por la libertad

With our right arms up. They gave their lives up for Freedom

No se les puede olvidar como a cada brigada internacional

We cannot forget them, like the International Brigades

Que vino aquí a frenar a los fascistas

Who came here to stop the fascists

Hollywood películas no les dedica

Yet Hollywood doesn't make films about them

Aunque sean de los mayores héoes de la humanidad

Even though they are among the greatest heroes in history.

Comunista como neruda y su canto de amor a stalingrado

A Communist like Neruda and his love song to Stalingrad*

Un poeta fue cada soldado por los nazis asesinado

Every soldier killed by the Nazis was a poet

Gracias a francotiradores como iván sidorenko

I thank snipers like Ivan Sidorenko*

Más de 500 cerdos racistas con su fusil cayeron

Over 500 racists were killed by his weapon

Comunista como mao y su revolución cultural

I'm a Communist like Mao and his Cultural Revolution

Sin piedad con quien al campesino quería esclavizar

He was merciless with those who wanted to enslave peasants

Aún hoy inspira a numerosas guerrillas

Even today, he's the inspiration for many guerrillas

Que se resisten a coser pa multinacionales asesinas

Who refuse to work in sweatshops for murderous corporations.

Lástima que en china pocos sigan su legado

It's a pity that so very fell value his legacy in China

Y el capitalismo más salvaje los haya conquistado

And the most brutal Capitalism has managed to invade them

Su partido comunista tiene de rojo lo que el p$oe de socialista

Their Communist party is about as red as our PSOE is socialist*

Otra revolución necesitan

They need another revolution

Dijo que la insurrección no es un banquete

Mao said that insurrection isn't a banquet

No puede ser tan pausada, fina y elegante

It can't be so calm, refined and elegant

Es un acto violento en el que una clase derroca a otra

It's a violent act in which the working class gets rid of the others

Hay que seguir luchando aunque sea previsible la derrota

We must keep fighting, even if defeat is likely.

El poder nace de la boca del fusil

Power is born from the firearm's mouth

Lo saben la otan cuando trata de invadir

NATO knows it, that's why it tries to invade other countries

Allende lo olvidó y sin la izquierda armada

Salvador Allende forgot this and without an armed Left

Pinochet un golpe daba amparado por la casa blanca

Pinochet made a coup d'état helped by the White House*

Comunista como vietnam expulsando a los estados unidos

I'm a Communist like Vietnam, kicking out the United States

Ejemplo de lo que puede lograr un pueblo combativo

This is an example of what a combative nation can achieve

Ni el agente naranja pudo con su valor

Not even Agent Orange could against their bravery

Humillación a cada yanqui genocida que a inocentes masacró

Let's humiliate every yankee murderer who massacred innocents

Libertad es igualdad de oportunidades

Freedom means equal opportunities

Acabaremos con el “tanto tienes tanto vales”

We'll get rid of the idea so much you own, so much you're worth

Democracia son leyes que sirvan al pueblo

Democratic laws should serve the people

Por eso contra este atropello me rebelo

And that's why I rebel against this abuse of power.

Comunista porque no se come de metafísica

I'm a Communist because you can't eat Metaphysics

Y un cambio radical de base la humanidad necesita

And humanity needs a radical change, from the roots up

Antiexplotación, antimiseria, evolución pedimos

Anti-racists, anti-misogynists, we demand evolution

Socialismo científico, marxismo-leninismo

Scientific socialism, Marxism-Leninism.

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