Translation of the song Gritan ¡No Pasarán! artist Pablo Hasél
Gritan ¡No Pasarán!
Scream You shall no pass!
Muerte al fascismo, Muerte al fascismo.
Death to the fascism, death to the fascism
La Union Europea financiando a los nazis
The UE supporting nazis
Con estados Unidos para matar lo tienen facil
With U.S to kill they have it easy
No tiene limites la crueldad del imperialismo
Imperialism cruelty has no limits
Genocidio por avaricia, claro que no me da lo mismo
Genocide for greed, of course it cares for me
Nazis queman antifascistas vivos
Nazis are burning antifascists alive
Para la prensa burguesa es una justa protesta
For the bourgeois press is just a fair outcry
Para ellos las bombas son buenas
Bombs are good for them
Si a los ricos interesan, si no son contra el sistema
If the rich interests, if not against the system
El peor fascismo no vuelve, nunca se fue.
The worst fascism is not back, it has been never gone
Y la izquierda reformasita legitimando a la UE
And the lefty reformist legitimazing the EU
Presumen de europarlamentarios
boast of Europarliamentaries
Mientras callan crimenes contra revolucionarios
Meanwhile they shut down crimes against revolutionaries
La resistencia antifascista necesita solidaridad
The antifascist resistance needs selfless
Eso significa dinero para poder continuar
That means money to move on on
En el combarte Urgente, cada dia caen combatientes
In the inmediate battle, every day combatants are falling
Solo ayudandolos habra menos muertes
Only helping them will be lesser deaths
Al fascismo solo se le frena a tiros
Fascism can only be shut down by gunfire
si disparan para tenerlos somentidos
If they shoot to keep them submitted
Masacran al pueblo, recibiran lo suyo
Killing the population, they will receive what they deserve
Balas antifascista con honor y orgullo.
Anti-fascist bullets with pride and honour
Toparan com milicias, NO PASARAN.
They will run into militia, THEY WON'T PASS
Tendran la ayuda de cada brigada internacional
They will have the support of every international army
Que fue a frenar a los enemigos de la humanidad
To stop the enemies against humanity
Ante el fusil antifascista, NO PASARAN.
Before the anti-fascist rifle, THEY WON'T PASS
El antifascimo se demuestra con hechos.
Anti-fascism is demonstrated by facts
No solo con camis sin hacer nada de provecho.
Not only with shirts without doing something worthy
Y ya que no vamos a combatir a alli en brigada
And since we're not going to fight there in squad
Que menos, que denunciar como disparan
At least, report how they fire
A rojos, judios, homosexuales, a cualquiera
To Comunists, judes, gays, to everyone
Que no apoye a la oligarquia financiera europea
Do not support the European financial Oligarchy
Pero la clase obrera anti-nazi resistira como en Crimea
The Anti-Nazi proletariat class with stand as in Crimea
Hasta que mueran sus enfermas ideas.
Until your sick ideas die
No, no apoyamos a la burguesia rusa
No, we don't support the Russian bourgeoisie
Pero comunistas Ucranianos sus armas usan
But Ucranian comunists they use their weapons
No apoyamos al capitalista de Putin
We don't support the capitalist Putin
Pero aun menos a Estados Unidos, y ahora es util.
Neither the U.S, and now is useful
Para frener el genocidio de los nazis ucranianos
To stop the genocide of the Ucranian nazis
Ya se atacara su estado cuando se haya ganado
We will attack their goverment when we have won
De lo contrario nazis aniquilaran la resistencia
Otherwise, Nazis will anihilate resistance
Y no habra lucha por la dictadura del proletariado
And there is not going to be a fight for the proletariats tyranny
Al fascismo solo se le frena a tiros
Fascism can only be shut down by gunfire
Si disparan para tenerlos sometidos
If they shoot to keep them submitted
Masacran al pueblo recibiran lo suyo
Killing the population, they will receive what they deserve
Balas antifascistas con honor y orgullo
Anti-fascist bullets with pride and honour
Toparan con milicias, No PASARAN
They will run into militia, THEY WON'T PASS
Tendran la ayuda de cada brigada internacional
They will have the support of every international army
Que fue a frenar a los enemigos de la humanidad
To stop the enemies against humanity
Ante el fusil antifascista, NO PASARAN
Before the anti-fascist rifle, THEY WON'T PASS
Caen bombas sobre quien no quiere Nazismo
Bombs are falling over the ones who don't want nazism
Por eso acudio valiente la brigada carlos palomino
That's why Carlos Palomino's squad arrived proudly
No hay otro camino que la lucha armada
There is no other way than an armed fight
Contra quienes al pueblo masacran, dilo.
Against the ones who murder the people, say it
A quienes creen que pelean por el gobierno ruso
To the ones who believe that are fighting for Russia
No, es contra la tirania que la UE impuso
No, is against the tyranny that the EU has imposed
Que Rusia tenga intereses no quita
Russian interests doesn't change
Que alli combatan fascistas contra antifascistas
They fight that fascists and Anti-fascists are having over there
Y nuestro deber alli donde combatan compañeros
And our duty wherever our partners are fighting
Es ayudarles con denuncia y con dinero
Is to help them with complaint and money
La lucha no se financia sola
This fight is not being paid by itself
Por eso el gobierno nos roba
That's why the government steals us
Para financiar a esos cerdos, Quiero
To supports those jerks.
Aportar mi grano de arena, es lo menos que debo hacer
I want to contribute my grain of sand, is the less that I can do
Si a antifascista queman para tener el poder
If they kill the anti-fascist to get control
Que los imperialistas encuentre otro Vietnan
May the imperialists get another Vietnam
A un pueblo digno que los pueda frenar
A worthy people that can stop them
Al fascismo solo se le frena a tiros
Fascism can only be shut down by gunfire
si disparan para tenerlos somentidos
If they shoot to keep them submitted
Masacran al pueblo, recibiran lo suyo
Killing the population, they will receive what they deserve
Balas antifascista con honor y orgullo.
Anti-fascist bullets with pride and honour
Toparan con milicias, No PASARAN
They will run into militia, THEY WON'T PASS
Tendran la ayuda de cada brigada internacional
They will have the support of every international army
Que fue a frenar a los enemigos de la humanidad
To stop the enemies against humanity
Ante el fusil antifascista, NO PASARAN
Before the anti-fascist rifle, THEY WON'T PASS
Como grita una miliciana antifascista en Lugansk, NO PASARAN.
What does an anti-fascist militaman scream at Lugansk? THEY WILL NOT PASS
Como grita un minero en el Donbass, NO PASARAN.
What does a miner scream in the Donbass, THEY WILL NOT PASS