Translation of the song Juan Carlos el Bobón artist Pablo Hasél


Juan Carlos el Bobón

English translation

Juan Carlos the Dumbass

- Para mi es un ejemplo viviente, día a día por su desempeño

- For me he is a living example, day by day for his patriotic

patriótico al servicio de España y, por esto, yo tengo por él un gran afecto y admiración.

performance at the service of Spain and, for this, I have great affection and admiration for him.

Cuántos millones y millones... han saqueado y derrochado durante tantos años... tantos miembros de la familia real.

How many millions and millions ... they have plundered and squandered for so many years ... so many members of the royal family.

Luego los psicópatas que nos gobiernan dicen que no hay dinero... para derechos de primera necesidad.

Then the psychopaths who rule us say there is no money ... for basic rights.

Pero tienen los años contados... se acerca la república popular.

But their years are numbered ... the people's republic is approaching.

Esta la historia de Juan Carlos el Bobón que quieren ocultar...

This is the story of Juan Carlos the Dumbass that they want to hide ...

Contar quién es y qué hace es delito, apuntaba maneras cuando mató a su hermano Alfonsito (risas).

Telling who he is and what he does is a crime, he gave clear signs when he killed his brother Alfonsito (laughs).

Quién se cree que fue un accidente... ni Maruhenda imaginando a Rajoy desnudo cuando miente.

Who believes it was an accident ... not even Maruhenda imagining Rajoy naked when he lies1.

Torrente es un santo al lado de Juanca, ya denunciaron que a Sofía maltrata.

Torrente is a saint compared to Juanca2, they have already denounced that he mistreats Sofía.

Que legitimidad tiene el heredero de Franco que en juergas y putas nuestra pasta está tirando.

What legitimacy does Franco's heir have that in sprees and whores our money is throwing away.

Se ríe de su impunidad en un chalé en Suiza.

He laughs at his impunity in a chalet in Switzerland.

Imaginalo borracho diciendo que buena mi hija.

Imagine him drunk saying how good3my daughter.

Con la pija de su amante recuerda cazas de elefantes mientras aumenta el hambre y no hay justicia que lo cace.

With his lover's cock he remembers elephant hunts while hunger increases and there is no justice that hunts him.

A la cárcel van los pobres no la infanta Cristina, pero medio país le desea la guillotina.

The poor go to jail and not the infanta Cristina, but half the country wishes her the guillotine.

No sabe ni hablar, porqué no te callas.

He doesn't even know how to talk, why don't you shut up.

A mí no me cierra la boca semejante canalla.

Such a scoundrel can't shut my mouth.

Juan Carlos el Bobón, capo mafioso saqueando el reino español.

Juan Carlos the Dumbass, mafia boss looting the Spanish kingdom.

En televisión vomitan que es útil, si claro, pa' su camello y pa'l dueño del puti.

On television they vomit that he's useful, yes of course, for his came4l and the owner of the whorehouse.

Juan Carlos el Bobón, tomará su palacio la revolución.

Juan Carlos the Dumbass, the revolution will take his palace.

No... no habrá Guardia Real que evite que los republicanos juzguemos a Felipe.

No... there won't be a Royal Guard that prevents we republicans from judging Felipe.

Si cuentas lo que hace y su farsa desmoronas, te acusaran de injurias a la corona.

If you tell what he does and his charade make fall apart, they will accuse you of insults to the crown.

Recortan en hospitales, les da igual que puedas morir. Pero paga operaciones estéticas a Letizia Ortiz.

They cut5in hospitals, they don't care if you can die. But he pays for cosmetic operations for Letizia Ortiz.

Familias buscan en contenedores. ¡Ojo! no protestes. Sí que brinda con Don Simón por cada Borbón y sus banquetes.

Families search in containers. Eye!6don't protest. Yes7, toast with Don Simón8for each of the Borbons and their banquets.

Son muy campechanos sí, saludan desde el yate. Aplaudeles el pan, agradece el sueldo miserable.

They are very friendly, yes, they say hello from the yacht. Applaud them9their bread10, be grateful for the miserable salary.

Si la espalda te partes pa' que puedan disfrutar. Tu hijo no puede ir a la universidad, pero paga la coca a Marichalar.

If your back breaks so they can enjoy. Your son can't go to college, but he pays Marichalar's cocaine.

En el PSOE dicen que son republicanos con monarquía. Te toman por idiota pero vota el que sonría.

In the PSOE they say that they are republicans with a monarchy. They take you for an idiot but vote for the one who smiles.

Mientras Podemos ni por la república se moja. Me cago la marca 'España' explotadora y casposa.

While Podemos not even for the republic gets wet11. I shit12in the brand 'Spain' exploitative and full of dandruff.13

Si Freelance se disparó en el pie siendo menor de edad. Igual ahora va a disparar a toda la familia real.

Yes Freelance shot himself in the foot as a minor. Maybe now he's going to shoot the whole royal family.

Juan Carlos el Bobón, capo mafioso saqueando el reino español.

Juan Carlos the Dumbass, mafia boss looting the Spanish kingdom.

En televisión vomitan que es útil, si claro, pa' su camello y pa'l dueño del puti.

On television they vomit that he's useful, yes of course, for his camel and the owner of the whorehouse.

Juan Carlos el Bobón, tomará su palacio la revolución.

Juan Carlos the Dumbass, the revolution will take his palace.

No... no habrá Guardia Real que evite que los republicanos juzguemos a Felipe.

No... there won't be a Royal Guard that prevents we republicans from judging Felipe.

Procrear con miembros de la misma familia pasa factura. Ya procura la censura proteger su caradura.

To procreate with members of the same family takes its toll. The censorship already tries to protect his cheeky.

Haga lo que haga lo alaba la Guardia Civil y lo arregla con un me he equivocado y no volverá a ocurrir.

Whatever he does, the Civil Guard praises him and fixes it with a I have made a mistake and it won't happen again.

Tertulianos a su servicio lo amparan diciendo que una república saldría más cara.

Tertullians at his service protect him saying that a republic would be more expensive.

Te preguntas como puede manipular tanto... si... pues por todo lo que tienen en el banco.

You wonder how they can manipulate so much ... yes ... because of all they have in the bank.

Repiten en la tele pública que mona va la princesa... el pueblo quiere república, ese debate no les interesa.

They repite on public television how pretty the princess goes ... the people want a republic, that debate doesn't interest them.

Silencian sus negocios sucios en Arabia Saudí y por contarlos quieren condenarme a mí.

He silences his dirty businesses in Saudi Arabia and for telling them they want to condemn me.

Les venden armas que van al ISIS, lucha contra el yihadismo más falsa que la salida de la crisis.

They sell them weapons that go to ISIS, they fight against jihadism more false than the way out of the crisis.

No soy un súbdito, no me someto apestoso cacique tu trono obsoleto no merece respeto pronto se irá a pique.

I am not a subject, I don't submit, stinking cacique your obsolete throne doesn't deserve my respect, it will soon sink.

Juan Carlos el Bobón, capo mafioso saqueando el reino español.

Juan Carlos the Dumbass, mafia boss looting the Spanish kingdom.

En televisión vomitan que es útil, si claro, pa' su camello y pa'l dueño del puti.

On television they vomit that he's useful, yes of course, for his camel and the owner of the whorehouse.

Juan Carlos el Bobón, tomará su palacio la revolución.

Juan Carlos the Dumbass, the revolution will take his palace.

No... no habrá Guardia Real que evite que los republicanos juzguemos a Felipe.

No... there won't be a Royal Guard that prevents we republicans from judging Felipe.

Viva la república popular de la clase trabajadora.

Long live the people's republic of the working class.

Una vez más contando la verdad y que los censores se jodan.

Once again telling the truth and screw the censors.

2016 y aún con monarquía parece el medievo mientras nos explotan y el Bobón entre lujos se rasca las huevos.

2016 and still with monarchy it seems like the Middle Ages while they exploit us and the Dumbass among luxuries scratches his balls.

Falso demócrata, mano a mano con la oligarquía fascista, para ir de jefe le vino muy bien el autogolpe del 23F.

False democrat, hand in hand with the fascist oligarchy, the 23F self-coup suited him very well to go as chief.

Utilizando al pelele convencido de Tejero... pa' maquillarse con cuatro reformas superficiales y ganar aún más dinero

Using convinced wimp Tejero... to put on makeup with four superficial reforms and make even more money

Juan Carlos el Bobón se librará como el fascista de Fraga, pero sus herederos picarán piedra por tanto crimen que no pagan... cada parásito será juzgado.

Juan Carlos the Dumbass will get out of problems like Fraga the fascist, but his heirs will break stones for so many crimes that they don't pay... each parasite will be judged.

La historia no perdona ni a la escoria con corona y cada oprimido será juez de una jodida vez.

History doesn't forgive not even the scum with a crown and each oppressed will be a judge for one fucking time.

El futuro será republicano y Juan Carlos el borracho tirano, será recordado como la basura mafiosa que es.

The future will be republican and Juan Carlos, the drunken tyrant, will be remembered as the mafia trash that he is.

Juan Carlos el Bobón, tomará tu palacio la revolución.

Juan Carlos the Dumbass, the revolution will take your palace.

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