Translation of the song Deo ti cheria Maria artist Andrea Parodi

Sardinian (northern dialects)

Deo ti cheria Maria

English translation

I wanted you to be Maria

Cando torras in domo, tue,

When you come back home,

In sa cara de Madonna

On your Virgin Mary-face

B’at un’umbra indetzifràbile

there is an indecipherable shadow

Unu mistériu indefinìbile

Un undefinable mystery

Totu unu mundu

A whole world

Chi no connosco

that I do not know

A daesegus de sos ogros tuos

Behind your eyes

Tue no ses Maria

You are not Maria

Su siléntziu ch’as tue

The silence of yours

No est cuddu ‘e mama ‘ona

Is not the one of a good mother

Est una calma chi m’assustat

it is a calm that scares me

Chi mi faghet pius fràzile

that makes me more fragile

Unu tormentu

A torment

Chi mi serrat su sentimentu

That closes off my feeling

In coro meu

In my heart

Tue non ses Maria

You are not Maria

E su bene meu sighende

And pursuing my own good

Deo mi perdo in s’oblio

I get lost in oblivion

Unu pitzinnu cando timet

A boy, when he is scared

Si rifùgiat in sos giocàtulos

seeks shelter in toys

Ma faghet male custu jocu

But this game hurts me

Su raggiru chi mi fatho

This way of deceiting myself

Deo ti cheria Maria

I wanted you to be Maria

Deo ti cheria Maria

I wanted you to be Maria

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