Translation of the song 相亲相爱一家人 artist David Lui
A family who love each other
我喜欢一回家 就有暖洋洋的灯光在等待
Upon arriving home,I like the warm light that is expecting.
我喜欢一起床 就看到大家微笑的脸庞
Upon getting up,I like all family member's smiling faces.
我喜欢一出门 就为了家人和自己的理想打拼
Upon leaving home,I like working hard for my family and my dream.
我喜欢一家人 心朝着同一个方向眺望 哦~
I like all family members looking forward to the same goal. Oh~
我喜欢快乐时 马上就想要和你一起分享
I like sharing happiness,with you at the very moment.
我喜欢受伤时 就想起你们温暖的怀抱
I like missing your warm hug,when feeling hurt.
我喜欢生气时 就想到你们永远包容多么伟大
I like thinking of your forgiveness and greatness all the time when getting angry.
我喜欢旅行时 为你把美好记忆带回家
I like bringing gorgeous memories from travelling to you at home.
因为我们是一家人 相亲相爱的一家人
Because we are one family,being deeply attached to each other.
有缘才能相聚 有心才会珍惜 何必让满天乌云遮住眼睛
We gather because of fate and cherish each other because of love,why to let dark clouds cover our eyes.
因为我们是一家人 相亲相爱的一家人
Because we are one family,being deeply attached to each other.
有福就该同享 有难必然同当 用相知相守还地久天长
We should share good fortune and come over difficult times together,exchange for foreverness with kindness and support.
我喜欢一回家 就把乱遭遭的心情都忘掉
I am fond of forgetting the massive mood as soon as reaching home.
我喜欢一起床 就带给大家微笑的脸庞
I am fond of showing smiling face to everybody as soon as getting up.
我喜欢一出门 就为了个人和世界的美好打拼
I am fond of fighting for individual and the world's beauty as soon as going out.
我喜欢一家人 梦朝着同一个方向创造 哦~
I am fond of one family dreaming at the same direction. Oh~
当别人快乐时 好像是自己获得幸福一样
When others are happy,It's just like I've got happiness too.
当别人受伤时 我愿意敞开最真的怀抱
When others are hurt,I would like to open my arms to them.
当别人生气时 告诉他就算观念不同不必激动
When others are angry,I would tell him not to be like that even if people's idea is different.
当别人需要时 我一定卷起袖子帮助他
When I am needed by others,I would roll up my sleeves to help them.
因为我们是一家人 相亲相爱的一家人
Because we are one family,being deeply attached to each other.
有缘才能相聚 有心才会珍惜 何必让满天乌云遮住眼睛
We gather because of fate and cherish each other bacause of love.
因为我们是一家人 相亲相爱的一家人
Because we are a family,We are a loving family.
有福就该同享 有难必然同当 用相知相守还地久天长
Sharing joys and sorrows,we can intimately stay together forever and ever.
※Caring about each other to keep an ever-lasting tacit understanding.
Please believe that the feelings between us worth being grateful for.※
因为我们是一家人 相亲相爱的一家人
Because we are one family,being deeply attached to each other.
有缘才能相聚 有心才会珍惜 何必让满天乌云遮住眼睛
We gather because of fate and cherish each other bacause of love.
因为我们是一家人 相亲相爱的一家人
Because we are a family,We are a loving family.
有福就该同享 有难必然同当 用相知相守还地久天长
Sharing joys and sorrows,we can intimately stay together forever and ever.