Translation of the song Ned igen [Down once more] artist The Phantom of the Opera (musical)


Ned igen [Down once more]

English translation

Down again

Ned igen til min smertefulde ensomhed

Down again to my painfull loneliness

Hvor min sjæl holdes fanget som et dyr

Where my soul is held captive like an animal

Ned hvor helvede og mørket venter mig!

Down where hell and darkness awaits me!

Hvorfor skulle jeg fordrives og leve så abnormt

Why should I be driven out and live så abnormally

Var det mine synders skyld

Was it my sins' fault

Nej fordi mit fjæs var hæsligt og deformt

No because my face was hideous and deformed

Jaget rundt på denne jord

Hunted around on this earth

Fyldt med had og hysteri

Filled with hate and hysteria

Aldrig noget venligt ord

Never any kind word

Aldrig nogen sympati

Never any sympathy!

Christine, Christine

Christine, Christine

Hvorfor, Hvorfor!

Why, why!

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