Translation of the song 不安のお山 artist Kurahashi Yoeko



English translation

The Mountain of Anxiety

不安の山でぺっちゃんこ 私 不安の山でぺっちゃんこ

Flattened by a mountain of anxiety1, I'm flattened by a mountain of anxiety.

朝よそんなに輝くな 私が惨めに映るじゃない

It's morning, don't shine so much. I miserably do not reflect.

私の撒いた種は 枯れたり消えたり腐敗したり

The seeds I sowed have withered, vanished, and rotted.

飛び交う秋の声に 枯れたり消えたり光は届かず

In autumn's voice flying about, it withered and vanished without the light coming through.

太陽にも嫌われちゃった 太陽にも嫌われちゃった

Hated by the sun as well, hated by the sun as well.

ああ 明日も駄目でしょう

Ah, tomorrow seems hopeless too.

不安の山でぺっちゃんこ 私 不安の山でぺっちゃんこ

Flattened by a mountain of anxiety, I'm flattened by a mountain of anxiety.

朝よそんなに輝くな 私が惨めに映るじゃない

It's morning, don't shine so much. I miserably do not reflect.

私の書いた本は 見られず読まれず手に取られず

The book I wrote without being seen, without being read, and without being picked up.

見えない嘘の声に 見られず読まれず光は届かず

In the voice of an invisible lie, it couldn't be seen and couldn't be read without the light coming through.

太陽にも嫌われちゃった 太陽にも嫌われちゃった

Hated by the sun as well, hated by the sun as well.

ああ 明日も駄目でしょう

Ah, tomorrow seems hopeless too.

不安の底でぺっちゃんこ 私 不安の底でぺっちゃんこ

Flattened by the sole of anxiety2, I'm flattened by the sole of anxiety.

朝よそんなに喜ぶな 私が惨めに見えるじゃない

It's morning, don't be so delighted. I miserably do not reflect.

朝よそんなに喜ぶな 私が惨めに見えるよ見えるじゃない

It's morning, don't be so delighted. I look miserable, but you can't see it.

不安の山でぺっちゃんこ 私 不安の山でぺっちゃんこ

Flattened by a mountain of anxiety, I'm flattened by a mountain of anxiety.

不安の山でぺっちゃんこ 私 不安の山でぺっちゃんこ

Flattened by a mountain of anxiety, I'm flattened by a mountain of anxiety.

朝よそんなに輝くな 私が惨めに映る映る映る映る映る

It's morning, don't shine so much. I miserably reflect, reflect, reflect, reflect, reflect.

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