Translation of the song 今日も雨 artist Kurahashi Yoeko



English translation

It's Raining Today, Too


There are plenty of things I would’ve preferred not knowing,

読み掛けては印を付けて 閉ざした本に寝そべります

yet I’ll leave marks in the books I leaf through, and lie sprawled on one I’ve shut


The truth will surely make me cry once more tomorrow

でも飛び出して 飛び出して行こう 待ってる人はいないけど

But I’ll run out, I’ll run out and go, even though there’s no one waiting for me out there

泣き止んで 泣き止んでみても 外はもっと雨

Even if I try to stop crying, it’ll keep raining outside


I flirt with sweet memories, and there on my lips lies an introspective song

悔しいけれど いらない過去で この私は作られてます

It’s regrettable, that I am the result of a past I had no need for


The truth will surely make me lose heart once more tomorrow

ほら追い掛けて 追い掛けて行こう どんなに返事がなくたって

Look, I’ll give chase, I’ll give chase and go, no matter if I don’t get any response

追い掛けて 追い掛けて行こう 外は今日も雨

I’ll give chase, I’ll give chase and go – it’s raining outside today, too

ほら追い掛けて 追い掛けて行こう どんなに返事がなくたって

Look, I’ll give chase, I’ll give chase and go, no matter if I don’t get any response

追い掛けて 追い掛けて行こう 今日も雨

I’ll give chase, I’ll give chase and go – it’s raining today, too

でも飛び出して 飛び出して行こう 待ってる人はいないけど

But I’ll run out, I’ll run out and go, even though there’s no one waiting for me out there

泣き止んで 泣き止んでみても 外はもっと雨

Even if I try to stop crying, it’ll keep raining outside

でも飛び出して 飛び出して行こう 待ってる人はいないけど

But I’ll run out, I’ll run out and go, even though there’s no one waiting for me out there

泣き止んで 泣き止んでみたら 外はもっと雨

When I try to stop crying, the rain continues to pour


That’s just how it is

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