Translation of the song 楯 artist Kurahashi Yoeko


English translation


戻れるなら もっともっと賢く生きてただろう

If I could go back, I would've lived more and more wisely.

戻れるなら もっともっと大事に愛しただろう

If I could go back, I would've loved more and more valuably.

今は何にもできない何にもできない何にもできない この背を恥じる

Now I can do nothing at all. I can do nothing at all. I can do nothing at all. I'm ashamed of this back.

空に向かって 手を広げる事しかできないの

I can do no more than face the sky and spread out my hands.

ごめんね ごめんね

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

いつか楯になる あなたの楯になる

One day it'll become a shield. It'll become your shield.

ああ そこで待っててくれますか

Ah, will you be waiting for it there?

戻れるなら てくてくてくてく風吹く線路歩こう

If I can go back, I'll walk on the railroad tracks where the wind blows steadily.

戻れるなら てくてくてくてく私が荷物を持とう

If I can go back, I'll hold the luggage as I walk steadily.

だけど本当は知ってる本当は知ってる本当は知ってる この灯はもう消える

However, the truth is that I know. The truth is that I know. The truth is that I know. This lamp has already gone out.

夜に向かって 手を重ねる事しかできないの

I can do no more than face the night and stack my hands.

ごめんね ごめんね

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

いつか声になる あなたの声になる

One day it'll become a voice. It'll become your voice.

ああ ここで待っててくれますか

Ah, will you be waiting for it here?


For the likes of me, it's okay to tear.

裂けてもいいの 裂けてもいいの

It's okay to tear, it's okay to tear.

裂けてもいいの 裂けてもいいの

It's okay to tear, it's okay to tear.

ああ お願いします

Ah, please.

夜に向かって 手を重ねる事しかできないの

I can do no more than face the night and stack my hands.

ごめんね ごめんね

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

私 声になる あなたの声になる

I'll become a voice. I'll become your voice.


For the likes of me, it's okay to tear. It's okay to tear. It's okay to tear.

空に向かって 手を広げる事しかできないの

I can do no more than face the sky and spread out my hands.

ごめんね ごめんね

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

私 楯になる あなたの楯になる

I'll become a shield. I'll become your shield.

ああ そこで待っててくれますか

Ah, will you be waiting for me there?

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