An dupa an
Year after year
An dupa an
Year after year
An dupa an
Year after year
An dupa an
Year after year
An dupa an trece
Year after year is passing
incerc sa iau ce-i bun
I'm trying to take what's good
din clipele de-acum
from the moments of now.
An dupa an fuge
Year after year is running
voi fi mereu voi fi
I'll always be, I'll be
mai tanar zi de zi
younger day by day.
Multe vise am iubit
Loved many dreams
si nu s-au implinit
but they didn't fulfilled
mai puternic m-am facut
made me stronger
din toate cate am pierdut
from all that I've lost.
Mai tanar sunt decat am fost
I'm younger than I was
ieri si odata
yesterday and once
si simt ca-n mine creste
and I feel that inside of me
astazi lumea toata
today the whole world is growing.
Singur am urcat si vazut
I climbed alone and saw
multe am pierdut
many things I've lost
dar in vis nu am fost nicicand
but I never was in dream
si nici n-am pus fruntea-n pamant
and never put my forehead in the ground
Chorus (fading)
An dupa an dupa
Year after year, after
an dupa an dupa
Year after year, after
an dupa an dupa an
Year after year, after year...