Translation of the song O Penetra artist Zeca Pagodinho
O Penetra
Party Crasher
Quem é ele?
Who is he?
Não sei quem convidou
I don’t know who invited him
Sei lá, ninguém soube
I don’t know, no one could
Dizer como fez prá entrar
Tell what he did to get in
Já bolado, pensei:
Already planned, I thought:
Isso não vai prestar
This won't be good
O cara pagava mico
The guy embarrassed himself
Soprava um apito
Was blowing a whistle
Cismou de zuar
Wanted to make a scene
O que é dele tá guardado
What’s his is coming
No final da festa
At the end of the party
O bicho vai pegar...
It's going down…
Bebeu demais
He drank too much
Comeu de tudo
He ate everything
Dançou sozinho
He danced alone
Encheu o bolso
Filled his pockets
De salgadinho
With appetizers
Foi prá fila da pipoca
Even got in line for popcorn
Roubou o pedaço do bolo
Stole a piece of cake
E o refrigerante
And the soda
Que estava na mão
That was in the hand
Do aniversariante
Of the birthday boy
Fez a criança chorar...
Made the child cry ...
O danado bebeu!
That bastard drank!
Ai, ai, ai!
Aye, aye, aye!
O coro comeu
The shit went down
Antes mesmo da festa acabar
Even before the party ended
Ai, ai, ai
Aye, aye, aye!
Teve que sair na marra
He had to leave by force
Party crasher!
Bem feito
Well done
Foi expulso
He was expelled
Ralou peito
Scratched his chest
Depois de tanto apanhar (2x)
After getting beat up (2x)