Translation of the song Και Μου Λέει artist Elli Kokkinou
Και Μου Λέει
And he says to me
Μου 'χει λείψει, το ζητάω
I have missed him, I'm asking for it
Δεν αντέχω να μιλάω
I can't bear talking
Σε συντρίμμια καπνισμένα
To smoky debris
Μου 'χουν μείνει ξεχασμένα
They have stayed forgotten to me
Θα 'ρθει σήμερα στις έξι
He will come today at six
Η ψυχή μου δεν θ' αντέξει
My soul won't last
Θέλω να τον συγχωρήσω
I want to forgive him
Μόνο να μην τον αφήσω
Just not to leave him
Και γυρίζει και μου λέει πως για μένα πια δεν κλαίει
And he turns around and says to me that he doesn't cry for me anymore
Κάποια άλλη στη ζωή του πήγε τώρα που τον καίει
Someone else in his life entered now that burns him
Και γυρίζει και μου λέει πως για μένα πια δεν κλαίει
And he turns around and says to me that he doesn't cry for me anymore
Ό,τι ήτανε να γίνει έγινε κι αυτός δεν φταίει
Everything that were to happen happened and it's not his fault
Ζω στους τέσσερίς μου τοίχους
I live within my four walls
Τους δικούς του ακούω ήχους
I'm hearing his sounds
Το γνωστό περπάτημά του
His known walk
Μόνη νιώθω τ' άγγιγμά του
I feel his touch alone
Δεν πιστεύω όσα είπα
I can't believe what I said
Σ' έναν κυκεώνα μπήκα
I have been thrown into confusion
Τώρα έχω μετανιώσει
I regret it now
Και το δάκρυ του έχω νιώσει
And have felt his tear
Και γυρίζει και μου λέει πως για μένα πια δεν κλαίει
And he turns around and says to me that he doesn't cry for me anymore
Κάποια άλλη στη ζωή του πήγε τώρα που τον καίει
Someone else in his life entered now that burns him
Και γυρίζει και μου λέει πως για μένα πια δεν κλαίει
And he turns around and says to me that he doesn't cry for me anymore
Ό,τι ήτανε να γίνει έγινε κι αυτός δεν φταίει
Everything that were to happen happened and it's not his fault