Translation of the song Corazones artist Daddy Yankee



English translation








Que corazón, ¿ah?

what heart, huh?

¿De que estas hecho tu?

what are you made of?

You know...

You know...

Si las miradas mataran

If looks would kill

To' el tiempo usara una gavana

I would always use a ???

Una cura me acompañara

A cure would acompany me

Siguiendome una caravana

Following me in a caravan

Si fuera por mis enemigos

If it were up to my enemies

a la mesa me trairían

to the table they would bring me

Una víbora de carne y vinagre de bebida

a malicious, bitter person (??? a caloquialism I'm not familiar with)

Me cruzificaran en un acto crudo y homicida

they will crucify me in an act of crude homicide

Pero se equivocan, me levanta mi Dios con salud y vida

but they are mistaken, my God will reincarnate me with health and life

Si por el gobierno fuera

If it was up to the government

los raperos no existieran

the ??? would not exist

Nos lanzan al calabozo y con la pena muerte nos dieran

we throw them in a cell and give them the death penalty

Exista el que pisotea y el que ayuda al ser humano

There exists he who tramples and he who helps the human being

Existe el buen amigo que es leál como un hermano

There exists a good friend as loyal as a brother

La sangre pesa mas que el agua, pero midela bien

Blood is thicker than water, but measure it well

Existe sangre sucia, fijate en Cain y Abel

There exists dirty blood, take heed of Cain & Abel

Porque hay...

Because there are

Corazones con envia

Hearts with envy

Corazones con ira

hearts with wrath

Corazones con furia

hearts with fury

Situaciones de millones de corazones

situations of millions of hearts

Con miedo

with fear

Corazones sinceros

sincere hearts

Corazones guerreros

fighting (warrior) hearts

Corazones traicioneros

treacherous hearts

Salte de la capital del crimen

I jumped from the capital of crime

Y en el aire se percibe

And in the air I perceived

Un espiritu de muerte que devora lo que vive

a sprit of death that devours that which is alive

Si fuera por mi reuniría a todos los caseríos

If it was up to me, I would reunite all of the little towns (neighborhoods)

Proponiendo una tregua en nombre de los que se han ido

Promoting a truce in the name of all those who have gone before us

Sin miedo, yo les diría

Without fear, I would direct them

Mi gente, yo solamente aqui soy un valiente...

My people, only here am I brave...

Que les pide que no derramen ya la sangre inocente...

I ask you do not spill any more innocent blood

Arreglen como hombres, y no se fallen mutuamente...

fix things like men, and do not kill each other

Pero se que es un sueño perdido

but I know that it is a lost dream

Como ver a los 3 partidos unidos

like seeing the three parties (political) united

Luchando por el bien de Puerto Rico

fighting for the good of Puerto Rico

No ven que es mediocre la educación en los residenciales

they don't see that education in the neighborhoods is not good enough

Necesitan mas maestros, necesitan materiales

they need teachers, need materials

Para crear mas líderes y menos criminales

to raise more leaders and less criminals

Hay corazones allí con problemas personales

there are hearts there with personal problems

Si por mi fuera le daría para atras al tiempo

if it were up to me, I'd send them back in time

Sanaría las heridas del maestro en todo su cuerpo

I would heal all of the wounds of the teachers body

Paraba las manos de aquel centurion con su lanza

I would stop the hands of that century with his lance (stop the attacker from stabbing him)

Tambien en el acto me tendrian que dar matanza

And for this act, they would have to give me death

Lo bajaría de la cruz estando moribundo

They would bring him down from the cross, a dying man

Pero tuvo que morir para salvar al mundo

but he had to die, to save the world

Porque hay...

because there are

Corazones con envia

hearts with envy

Corazones con ira

hearts with wrath

Corazones con furia

hearts with fury

Situaciones de millones de corazones

situations of millions of hearts

Con miedo

with fear

Corazones sinceros

sincere hearts

Corazones guerreros

fighting hearts

Corazones traicioneros

treacherous hearts

Es que en el mundo hay corazones...

In this world there are hearts...

Que se creen sabios en su propia opinión...

That grow wise in their own opinion

Pero cavan en su fin...

but they sink in the end

Porque andan en camino de perdición....

because they walk on the road to perdition

Hay corazones que no perdonan a sus hermanos...

there are hearts that do not pardon their brothers

Pero, tu sabes...

but you know

Que asi mismo Dios no los perdonará por sus pecados...

that God will not pardon their sins (without repentance)

Hay corazones que ayudan sin pedir nada a cambio...

There are hearts that help others without asking anything in exchange

Y por su nobleza encuentran el progreso a diario...

And for their nobility they find daily progress

Hay corazones traicioneros...

There are treacherous hearts

Que le gusta engañar a los corazones sinceros...

Who like to cheat sincere hearts

Pero mas vale segundo que el dinero del mundo entero...

but the latter is more valuable than all the money in the world

Y existe aquel corazon maligno...

And there exists that evil heart

Que nos atormenta con angeles caídos...

that torments us with fallen angels

Pero hay un corazón mas poderoso que nos protege...

but there is one, more powerful heart, that protects us

Que jamas y nunca será vencido...

that was never and never will be defeated

Y el que lo busque y lo encuentre...

And he who looks and who finds Him

Para siempre sera bendecido...

Will be forever blessed

Refugiate en sabiduría...

take refuge in wisdom



(Situaciones de millones de corazones!)

situations of millions of hearts

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