Translation of the song Descontrol artist Daddy Yankee
DesscoontroooooLL Oh oh ooh
Chaaoooooos! Oh oh ooh
(Por Ahi Viene El Castigo)
(There comes the punishment)
Tu Mirada Me Tiene En DescontrOL!!! (Mundial) Ooh oh oh (Daddy)
Your look has got me in chaos!! (World-wide) Oh oh oh (Daddy)
Besame Cuando Estes Bailando ! ! !
Kiss me when you're dancing!!!
Ahi La Presion Va Llegando ! ! ! (Come On)
There the pressure's coming!!! (Come On)
Los Dos Seguiremos Viajando ! ! !
The two of us will continue travelling!!!
En Descontroool (Yeah) ooh ooh
In chaos (Yeah) ooh ooh
Da da Ddy ddy Yan yan Kee kee
Da da Ddy ddy Yan yan Kee kee
Por Ahi Viene El Castigo Oh
Here comes the punshment.
We Ready!! Come On!
We Ready!! Come On!
Alerta Alerta
Warning, warning!
Pa Que Llame Alas Fuerza Choke Yoo
[So you call the force Choke Yoo]
Alerta Alerta!
Warning, warning!
1 - 2 - 3 ooooh
1 - 2 - 3 ooooh
Esta Ves No Te Me Quitas
This time, you won't get rid of me,
Nos Fuimos Mano Arriba
We went hands up,
Ponteme Agresiva Pa Pegarte Ala Bocina
Get aggressive for me, to stick you to the horn
Te Domino Me Dominas
I domintate you, you dominate me,
y En lo Que Termina
and in the end,
Seguro Que Yo tengo Dinamita Pa Esa Mina
I'm sure I have dynamite for this mine
(el mejor de todos los tiempos come on)
(the best of all time, come on)
Esto Se Puso Interesante
This got interesting
Tengo Pa esa Carnesita Salsa Picante
I have some hot sauce for this little meat
Pa Lante No Estamos En Liga De Principiantes
Going ahead, we're not in the beginners' league,
Bailando Esque Uno Sabe Que Sera Buena Amante
Dancing is what one knows who'll be a good lover
Ooooohh (MundiaLLL!)
Ooooooh (Worldwide)
Come On
Come On
DesscoontroooooLL Oh oh ooh
Chaooooos Oh oh ooh
Tu Mirada Me Tiene En DescontrOL!!! Ooh oh oh
Your look has got me in chaos!!! Ooh oh oh
(el cielo es el limite, DADDY)
(the sky is the limit, DADDY)
Besame Cuando Estes Bailando ! ! !
Kiss me when you're dancing ! ! !
Ahi La Presion Va Llegando ! ! !
There the pressure's coming! ! !
Los Dos Seguiremos Viajando ! ! !
The two of us will continue travelling! ! !
En Descontroool ooh ooh
in chaos ooh ooh
El Mejor De Todos Los Tiempos
The Best of All Time
Que!! Que!! Que!! Que!!
What!! What!! What!! What!!
Oye que Bien Me Seduce
Look how well you seduce me,
Esa Nena Cuando Le Apagan Las Luces
That little girl, when she turns out the lights
Asi Esque Me Gusta Ahi Es Que Se Luce
I like it like that, there, you're showing off
Ya Le Di La Verde Pa Que Conmigo Abuse
I already gave her the green light to abuse me
Conmigo Abuse...
Abuse me...
Que!! Que!! Que!!
What!! What!! What!!
Lo Que No Sabe Esque Conmigo Ella Muerde El Anzuelo
What she doesn't know is that with me, she takes the bait
Use La Tecnica de Los Besitos De Caramelo
I used the technique of caramel kisses
Mis Manos En Su Espalda Con Las de Ellas En El Suelo
My hands on her back, with hers on the floor
Sin Titubear Cojimos Vuelo...
Without hesitation, we take flight...
Que Buena Sensacion Ella Me Da Me Da
What a good feeling she gives me, she gives me
Pokito A Poco Tu Ve' Que se Va Se Va (Let's Go)
Little by little you she that she goes, she goes (Let's Go)
Lo Mejor Esque Mami Me Has Subestimao
The best is that, Mami, you've underestimated me
Sin Darse Cuenta Ya La Tengo De Mi Lao
with out realizing it, I've already got her by my side.
Incomparable Come On
Incomparable, Come On
DesscoontroooooLL Oh oh ooh
Chaoooooos Oh oh ooh
Tu Mirada Me Tiene En DescontrOL!!! Ooh oh oh
Your look has got me in chaos!!! Ooh oh oh
(El maximo lider, comandando en la brea)
(The ultimate leader, commanding on the pavement)
Besame Cuando Estes Bailando (Come On)
Kiss me when you're dancing (Come On)
Ahi La Presion Va Llegando
There, the pressure's coming!!
Los Dos Seguiremos Viajando (The Boss)
The two of us continue travelling (The Boss)
En Descontroool ooh ooh
In chaos ooh ooh
Da da Ddy ddy Yan yan Kee kee
Da da Ddy ddy Yan yan Kee kee
The Big Boss
The Big Boss
Que!! Que!! Que!!
What!! What!! What!!
El Jefe
The Boss
Los De La Naza
Those of the [Naza]
Musicologo Menes
Musicolgical Menes
Junto Aa...
Yo No tengo Que Hacer Pauta
I don't have to get in line
La Gente sabe Que Yo Soy La Pauta
The people know that I AM the line
Solo Hay Un Lider
There's only one leader
y es El Maximo Lider
and he's the ultimate leader
Da da Ddy ddy Yan yan Kee kee
Da da Ddy ddy Yan yan Kee kee
The Big Bos!!!!
The Big Boss!!!!