Translation of the song Gasolina (Remix) artist Daddy Yankee


Gasolina (Remix)

English translation

Gasoline (Remix)

[Intro: Lil Jon, Pitbull, Daddy Yankee]

[Intro: Lil Jon, Pitbull, Daddy Yankee]









(Who's this?)

(Who's this?)

What's his name?

What's his name?

(Da-ddy Yan-kee!)

(Da-ddy Yan-kee!)

Daddy Yankee

Daddy Yankee

Boricua, Cubano, Boricua, Cubano, Boricua, Cubano, Boricua

Boricua*, Cuban, Boricua, Cuban, Boricua, Cuban, Boricua

[Pre-Verso: Daddy Yankee]

[Pre-Verse: Daddy Yankee]

Zúmbale mambo pa' que mis gatas prendan los motores

Buzz the mambo fo' my kittens to turn on the engines

Zúmbale mambo pa' que mis gatas prendan los motores

Buzz the mambo fo' my kittens to turn on the engines

Zúmbale mambo pa' que mis gatas prendan los motores

Buzz the mambo fo' my kittens to turn on the engines

Que se preparen que lo que viene es pa' que le den

Let 'em get ready 'cause what's coming is what'll give it to 'em

[Verso 1: Daddy Yankee, Lil Jon]

[Verse 1: Daddy Yankee, Lil Jon]

(¡Duro!) Mamita, yo sé que tú no te me va' a quitar

(Hard!) Mamita, I know that you're not going to take yourself away from me

(¡Duro!) Lo que me gusta es que tú te dejas llevar

(Hard!) What I like is that you let yourself be taken away

(¡Duro!) Todos los weekend'es ella sale a vacilar

(Hard!) All weekends she goes out to hit the town

(¡Duro!) Mi gata no para de janguear, porque (Yeah!)

(Hard!) My kitten don't stop hanging by, 'cause (Yeah!)

[Coro: Daddy Yankee, Glory, (Lil Jon)]

[Chorus: Daddy Yankee, Glory, (Lil Jon)]

A ella le gusta la gasolina (whatcha say?)

She likes gasoline (whatcha say?)

Dame más gasolina (hey)

Give me more gasoline (hey)

A ella encanta la gasolina (whatcha say?)

She loves gasoline (whatcha say?)

Dame más gasolina (hey)

Give me more gasoline (hey)

A ella le gusta la gasolina (yeah!)

She likes gasoline (yeah!)

Dame más gasolina (yeah!)

Give me more gasoline (yeah!)

A ella encanta la gasolina (yeah!)

She loves gasoline (yeah!)

Dame más gasolina (hey! hey! hey!)

Give me more gasoline (hey! hey! hey!)

[Verso 2: Daddy Yankee]

[Verse 2: Daddy Yankee]

Ella prende las turbinas, no discrimina

She turns on the turbines, she don't discriminate

No se pierde ni un party de marquesina

She won't even miss a marquee party

Se acicala hasta pa' la esquina

She spruces herself up even for the cornershop

Luce tan bien que hasta la sombra le combina

She looks so good even her shadow matches

Asesina, me domina

Assassin, she dominates me

Janguea en carros, motoras y limosinas

She hangs by cars, motorbikes and limousines,

Llena su tanque de adrenalina

She fills her tank with adrenaline

Cuando escucha reggaeton en las bocinas

When she plays reggaeton through the speakers

[Coro: Daddy Yankee, Glory, (Lil Jon), Pitbull]

[Chorus: Daddy Yankee, Glory, (Lil Jon), Pitbull]

A ella le gusta la gasolina (whatcha say?) (Daddy Yankee)

She likes gasoline (whatcha say?) (Daddy Yankee)

Dame más gasolina (hey! hey!)

Give me more gasoline (hey! hey!)

A ella encanta la gasolina (whatcha say?)

She loves gasoline (whatcha say?)

Dame más gasolina (hey!) (Pitbull)

Give me more gasoline (hey!) (Pitbull)

A ella le gusta la gasolina (yeah!) (Boricua, Cubano)

She likes gasoline (yeah!) (Boricua, Cuban)

Dame más gasolina (yeah!) (Boricua, Cubano)

Give me more gasoline (yeah!) (Boricua, Cuban)

A ella le encanta la gasolina (yeah!) (Boricua, Cubano)

She loves gasoline (yeah!) (Boricua, Cuban)

Dame más gasolina (Pitbull!)

Give me more gasoline (Pitbull!)

[Verso 3: Pitbull, (Lil Jon)]

[Verse 3: Pitbull, (Lil Jon)]

A ella le gusta la gasolina (hey! hey!)

She likes gasoline (hey! hey!)

Y yo tengo la gasolina (hey! hey!)

And I have gasoline (hey! hey!)

Dale pa' bajo, ahora pa' arriba (hey! hey!)

Get down, now get up (hey! hey!)

¿Tú no pegas tarro? no me digas (yeah! yeah! yeah!)

You don't fool around? you don't say (yeah! yeah! yeah!)

Mentirosa, tú sabes más que nadie que tú eres loca (yeah!)

Liar, you know better than anybody else you're crazy (yeah!)

Ahora baila y quitate la ropa (yeah!)

Now dance and take your clothes off (yeah!)

De Puerto Rico a Cuba, Cuba hasta la Yuma

From Puerto Rico to Cuba, from Cuba to la Yuma**

Todas las mujeres don't stop, get it get it

All women don't stop, get it get it

Sucia, yo tengo esa gasolina que te gusta (yeah!)

Dirty woman, I have that gasoline that you like (yeah!)

Olvidate de tu marido y disfruta (yeah!)

Forget your husband and enjoy (yeah!)

Deja la intriga, trae la amiga (yeah!)

Drop your hesitating, bring your friend (yeah!)

Tú, yo y ella, tremenda pareja (yeah!)

You, me and her, tremendous couple (yeah!)

Deja, los juegos pa' los niños de la escuela

Leave the games for the kids at school

Si los tienes a capella enseñamelos, no tengas pena

If you got 'em show 'em to me, don't be shy

Mira, I'mma tell you one more time: Yo te doy la gasolina

Look, I'mma tell you one more time: I give you the gasoline

[Coro: Daddy Yankee, Glory, (Lil Jon)]

[Chorus: Daddy Yankee, Glory, (Lil Jon)]

A ella le gusta la gasolina (skeet skeet skeet)

She likes gasoline (skeet skeet skeet)

Dame más gasolina (skeet skeet skeet)

Give me more gasoline (skeet skeet skeet)

A ella le encanta la gasolina (skeet skeet skeet)

She loves gasoline (skeet skeet skeet)

Dame más gasolina (let's go!)

Give me more gasoline (let's go!)

A ella le gusta la gasolina (whatcha say)

She likes gasoline (whatcha say)

Dame más gasolina (hey! hey! hey!)

Give me more gasoline (hey! hey! hey!)

A ella le encanta la gasolina (whatcha say?)

She loves gasoline (whatcha say?)

Dame más gasolina (yo!)

Dame más gasolina (yo!)

[Verso 4: Daddy Yankee]

[Verse 4: Daddy Yankee]

Aquí somos los mejores, no te me ajores

We here are the best, don't be alarmed

En la pista nos llaman Los Matadores

On the dancefloor they call us The Killers

Tú haces que cualquiera se enamore

You make anyone fall in love

Cuando bailas al ritmo de los tambores

When you dance to the rhythm of the drums

Esto va pa' las gatas de to's colores

This goes fo' the kittens of all colors

Pa' las mayores, pa' las menores

Fo' the old'uns, fo' the young'uns

Pa' las que son más zorras que los cazadores

Fo' those that are foxier than hunters

Pa' las mujeres que no apagan sus motores

Fo' the women who don't turn off their engines

[Verso 5: N.O.R.E.]

[Verse 5: N.O.R.E.]

Who's this? (Pa-pi N.O.R.E.!)

Who's this? (Pa-pi N.O.R.E.!)

San Juan, Fajardo, Bayamon, Ponce

San Juan, Fajardo, Bayamon, Ponce

Tu Carolina, mami mira

You Carolina, mami look

Ven mami, ven mami, toma gasolina

Come mami, come mami, take gasoline

You see I'm puerto, and you oro

You see I'm harbor, and you gold

I know you like my stomach, you can both call me gordo

I know you like my stomach, you can both call me fat

Bacalao, arroz con pollo, that's what I eat

Codfish, rice and chicken, that's what I eat

Mami, I'm with Daddy Yankee so ven aquí (hey! hey!)

Mami, I'm with Daddy Yankee so come here (hey! hey!)

She love the way I do it (¡¿qué!? ¡¿qué!?)

She love the way I do it (what!? what!?)

And flowing on that car do it

And flowing on that car do it

Call me papi chulo

Call me papi chulo

Tell me N.O.R.E. dame duro

Tell me N.O.R.E. give it to me hard

Ven mami, vamonos, dale dale culo

Come on mami, let's go, go go ass

Ven chula, pure y no basura

Come hottie, pure and not junk

This is history we makin' with Daddy Yankee and N.O.R.E

This is history we makin' with Daddy Yankee and N.O.R.E

Name another rapper messing with reggaeton before me

Name another rapper messing with reggaeton before me

Caliente, suavemente, tranquilo, vendito

Hot, softly, peaceful, blessed

¡Toma tu gasolina!

Take your gasoline!

[Puente: Daddy Yankee, (Lil Jon)]

[Bridge: Daddy Yankee, (Lil Jon)]

Tenemos tú y yo algo pendiente

You and I have something pending

Tú me debes algo y lo sabes

You owe me something and you know it

Conmigo ella se pierde

With me she loses herself

No le rinde cuentas a nadie (yeah!)

She don't report back to nobody (yeah!)

Tenemos tú y yo algo pendiente (whatcha say?)

You and I have something pending (whatcha say?)

Tú me debes algo y lo sabes (hey! hey! hey!)

You owe me something and you know it (hey! hey! hey!)

Conmigo ella se pierde (whatcha say?)

With me she loses herself (whatcha say?)

No le rinde cuentas a nadie (hey! hey! hey!)

She don't report back to nobody (hey! hey! hey!)

[Pre-Verso: Daddy Yankee, (Lil Jon)]

[Pre-Verse: Daddy Yankee, (Lil Jon)]

Zúmbale mambo pa' que mis gatas prendan los motores (skeet skeet skeet)

Buzz the mambo so my kittens turn on the engines (skeet skeet skeet)

Zúmbale mambo pa' que mis gatas prendan los motores (skeet skeet skeet)

Buzz the mambo so my kittens turn on the engines (skeet skeet skeet)

Zúmbale mambo pa' que mis gatas prendan los motores (skeet skeet skeet)

Buzz the mambo so my kittens turn on the engines (skeet skeet skeet)

Que se preparen que lo que viene es pa' que le den

Let 'em get ready 'cause what's coming is what'll give it to 'em

[Verso 1: Daddy Yankee, (Lil Jon)]

[Verse 1: Daddy Yankee, (Lil Jon)]

(¡Duro!) Mamita, yo sé que tú no te me va' a quitar

(Hard!) Mamita, I know that you're not going to take yourself away from me

(¡Duro!) Lo que me gusta es que tú te dejas llevar

(Hard!) What I like is that you let yourself be taken away

(¡Duro!) Todos los weekend'es ella sale a vacilar

(Hard!) All weekends she goes out to hit the town

(¡Duro!) Mi gata no para de janguear, porque (whatcha say?)

(Hard!) My kitten don't stop hanging by, 'cause (whatcha say?)

[Coro: Daddy Yankee, Glory, (Lil Jon)]

[Chorus: Daddy Yankee, Glory, (Lil Jon)]

A ella le gusta la gasolina (hey! hey! hey!)

She likes gasoline (hey! hey! hey!)

Dame más gasolina (whatcha say?)

Give me more gasoline (whatcha say?)

A ella le encanta la gasolina (hey! hey! hey!)

She loves gasoline (hey! hey! hey!)

Dame más gasolina (yeah!)

Give me more gasoline (yeah!)

A ella le gusta la gasolina (whatcha say?)

She likes gasoline (whatcha say?)

Dame más gasolina (hey! hey! hey!)

Give me more gasoline (hey! hey! hey!)

A ella le encanta la gasolina (whatcha say?)

She loves gasoline (whatcha say?)

Dame más gasolina (hey! hey! hey!)

Give me more gasoline (hey! hey! hey!)

[Outro: Lil Jon]

[Outro: Lil Jon]







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